Meet Mara Rosenstock- the director of HackATL Mentorship

Simran Valecha
TheIQ Magazine
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2016

Mara Rosenstock, the Director of HackATL Mentorship, shares her experience as a member of the Emory Entrepreneurship Venture Management and the role HackATL plays in her life.

What attracted you to be a part of EEVM?

What really attracted me to Emory was it’s business school. Since the business school doesn’t start until sophomore or junior year, I was really eager to learn more about different companies so I joined EEVM my Freshman year. I loved the people, the purpose of the club and all the great events they hosted throughout the year. The people and the welcoming, fun environment really attracted me to the club. I love how everyone has their own passions, whether for technology, retail, or more, and we’re able to share them with one another by all being attracted to the concept of innovation.

What did you learn as a member of EEVM?

EEVM has helped me build connections with so many different students at Emory. It’s given me the chance to learn more about what companies, products, and ideas people gravitate towards and what career paths they potentially want to explore in the future. I especially love how everyone from EEVM is different but we all get along so well. Just by being yourself you can mesh so well with the entire group. Everyone is interested in getting to know others on the team and it makes for super fun meetings and events.

What role has HackATL played in your life?

HackATL has played a huge part in my life. The concept of startups has always intimidated me. Starting a business from complete scratch and getting people on board to be interested in your idea sometimes seems like an impossible task, but meeting so many participants at HackATL who are doing exactly that inspires me. I love seeing how passionate people are about their ideas and how determined they are to flesh out their ideas with their team members and make sure they have an impact on those around them. I’ve also learned that failure isn’t a bad thing and it helps you succeed even more in the long run. HackATL and entrepreneurship has taught me to not be afraid of failure- if failure isn’t an option, you’re probably not taking big enough risks.

Do you have any message for your participants?

Honestly, just have fun. HackATL is an opportunity to be surrounded with others who are passionate about innovation and creativity, and it is so exciting to meet other people who have that drive. Although technically you’re competing against one another, it doesn’t feel that way at all. Everyone is so welcoming and helpful towards one another, so just embrace the friendly community and make the effort to get to know one another!

Mara, and the entire team of HackATL is really excited to meet you all very soon!

