What The Joy plans to do in 2019

The Joy
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

The Christmas holidays are still here, but startups don’t rest much so it’s time to get ready for our action plan for the new year. Today we would like to share our plans for 2019.

First quarter 2019

January: Token Sale start. We will start selling tokens on January, 20. By the way, you can learn more about our technologies and the ICO status by following our subreddit.

Office setup in Berlin. We chose Berlin for our head office because it’s a startup capital of the EU and it is important to be where the action is. Also we will first launch our product in Germany, so it was an obvious choice.

The middle of March: the commercial launch of the project (in-salon bookings only). We will release the app for the general public with some basic features included and will be adding new features in the course of 2019.

May: adding functionality for on-demand services. Group orders, new payment types, rating and review systems.

The Joy is expanding! New offices in other German cities.

Second quarter 2019

App: advanced settings for practitioners and salons. This will allow salon owners and practitioners to change all settings directly from the app.

The Joy widget for websites. Salons and practitioners will be able to add the widgets to their websites for customers to use The Joy functions without going to our site.

App: business optimization tips. This module will help salons and practitioners to start their businesses with ease and optimize existing ones.

App: the discount module. This feature will allow salons and practitioners to set their own discounts and limited time promotions to attract customers.

App: the client management module. This module will help salons and practitioners to keep track of their customers.

The Joy is expanding to Europe! New offices in Austria, Switzerland, France.

Third quarter 2019

Establishing the first regional partnerships. Local companies will develop The Joy brand in their regions. We will provide regional partners with access to our ecosystem and help with organizational structure, personnel structure, and marketing.

App: Big Data module. This module will include statistics with numerous filters (gender, age, geography, etc.). There will be no access to personal information, just general data, and trends.

App: sponsorship module. Partner companies will be able to offer their sponsorship to salons or practitioners using this module.

App: a resource planning module. This module will allow practitioners to manage and monitor inventory and sustainable resources such as desks or appliances.

The Joy is expanding overseas! New offices in the USA, Belgium, Netherlands.

Fourth quarter 2019

Launching The Joy online store. The store will be integrated into the platform and we will recommend goods to the customers based on their preferences. It will also provide practitioners and salons with all the necessary supplies.

App: automated advertising module. It will allow launching targeting advertising. All statistics on the campaign performance will be available for advertisers.

The Joy is expanding to Asia and the UK! Offices will be opened in Japan, South Korea, and Great Britain.



The Joy
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The first ecosystem for the consumers and providers of wellness and beauty treatments. Download our app on Android — https://bit.ly/2RgB9ut