Top 10 Object Detection Models in 2023!

A Comprehensive Guide to Revolutionizing Object Detection with Deep Learning.

Aarafat Islam
6 min readMar 20, 2023
Example of Object Detection

“Object detection is one of the most exciting and challenging problems in computer vision, and deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool to tackle it.” — Dr. Liang-Chieh Chen

Object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision that involves identifying and localizing objects within an image. Deep learning has revolutionized object detection, allowing for more accurate and efficient detection of objects in images and videos. In 2023, there are several deep-learning models that are making significant advancements in object detection. Here are the top 10 deep-learning models for object detection in 2023:

1. YOLOv7

YOLOv7 or You Only Look Once version-7, is a state-of-the-art deep learning model for object detection. YOLOv7 is based on the original YOLO architecture but uses a more efficient backbone network and a new set of detection heads. YOLOv7 can detect objects in real-time with high accuracy and can be trained on large datasets. The model is also very efficient and can run on low-end devices.


  • Very fast and efficient object detection
  • High accuracy on large datasets
  • Runs on low-end devices


  • Can struggle with small object detection
  • Requires a large dataset for optimal performance

2. EfficientDet

EfficientDet is a deep-learning model for object detection that uses an efficient backbone network and a new set of detection heads. EfficientDet is designed to be efficient and accurate and can detect objects in real time with high accuracy. The model has achieved state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets and can be trained on large datasets.


  • State-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets
  • Efficient and accurate object detection
  • Can be trained on large datasets


  • Requires a large number of computational resources
  • Can be challenging to train on smaller datasets

3. RetinaNet

RetinaNet is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a feature pyramid network and a new focal loss function. RetinaNet is designed to address the imbalance between foreground and background examples in object detection, leading to improved accuracy. The model is efficient and can run on low-end devices, making it a popular choice for real-time object detection.


  • Improved accuracy in object detection
  • Efficient and can run on low-end devices
  • Easy to train and use


  • Can struggle with small object detection
  • Requires a large amount of data for optimal performance

4. Faster R-CNN

Faster R-CNN is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a region proposal network to generate candidate object locations. The model then uses a second network to classify the proposed regions and refine their locations. Faster R-CNN is known for its high accuracy and is often used for object detection in images and videos.


  • High accuracy in object detection
  • Effective for object detection in images and videos
  • Easy to train and use


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Can be slow when detecting objects in real-time

5. Mask R-CNN

Mask R-CNN is a deep learning model for object detection that extends Faster R-CNN to also predict object masks. The model uses a third network to generate pixel-level masks for each detected object. Mask R-CNN is known for its high accuracy in object detection and can also be used for instance segmentation.


  • High accuracy in object detection and instance segmentation
  • Can generate pixel-level masks for each detected object
  • Easy to train and use


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Can be slow when detecting objects in real-time

6. CenterNet

CenterNet is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a heatmap to predict the center of each object. The model then uses a second network to predict the size and orientation of the object. CenterNet is known for its high accuracy and efficiency in object detection and has achieved state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets.


  • State-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets
  • High accuracy and efficiency in object detection
  • Can handle occluded and small objects


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Can struggle with highly overlapping objects


DETR, or Detection Transformer, is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a transformer-based architecture. The model uses a set prediction approach to simultaneously predict the class and location of each object. DETR is known for its high accuracy and simplicity, as it requires no anchor boxes or non-maximum suppression.


  • High accuracy and simplicity in object detection
  • Can handle highly overlapping objects
  • No anchor boxes or non-maximum suppression required


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Requires a large amount of data for optimal performance

8. Cascade R-CNN

Cascade R-CNN is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a cascade of R-CNN networks to improve the accuracy of object detection. The model gradually reduces the number of false positives and false negatives in each stage of the cascade. Cascade R-CNN is known for its high accuracy and has achieved state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets.


  • State-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets
  • High accuracy in object detection
  • Can handle small and occluded objects


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Requires a large amount of data for optimal performance

9. SSD

SSD, or Single Shot MultiBox Detector, is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a single network to predict object locations and classes. The model uses a feature pyramid network to detect objects at different scales and achieves high accuracy in object detection. SSD is also known for its efficiency and can be run in real-time on low-end devices.


  • High accuracy and efficiency in object detection
  • Real-time object detection on low-end devices
  • Easy to train and use


  • Can struggle with small object detection
  • Can require a large dataset for optimal performance

10. FCOS

FCOS, or Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection, is a deep learning model for object detection that uses a fully convolutional architecture to predict the class and location of each object. The model is efficient and accurate, achieving state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets. FCOS is also known for its simplicity, as it requires no anchor boxes or non-maximum suppression.


  • State-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets
  • High accuracy and efficiency in object detection
  • No anchor boxes or non-maximum suppression required


  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Can require a large dataset for optimal performance

Object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision and has many real-world applications. Deep learning models have revolutionized the field of object detection, achieving unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency. The above list of top 10 deep learning models for object detection in 2023 highlights some of the most promising and innovative models in the field. However, it is important to note that each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of model will depend on the specific requirements of the task at hand. With the continued development and refinement of deep learning models, we can expect even more impressive results in the field of object detection in the near future.



Aarafat Islam

🌎 A Philomath | Predilection for AI, DL | Blockchain Researcher | Technophile | Quick Learner | True Optimist | Endeavors to make impact on the world! ✨