The Law of Life: The Beginning of You

Sam Chahine
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2020

How you probably came to be.

In the beginning there was nothing, except the awareness of nothing. Yet, neither the awareness or nothing existed separately, for all was one. In the awareness of nothing, there was no conception of desire, no fear of suffering, no one with which to identify; there was simply nothing.

For the purpose of this text, “the complexity” will be used to refer to what is known as awakening, One, God, etc. As there was no concept of time, there can be no “previously” or “subsequently” in the events that would occur. In that one moment, the complexity knew — although there was nothing to be known — itself, and that was all. As it was, the properties of the complexity were finite, though impossible to express with words, however inevitable. It was eternal, yet impermanent; endless, yet momentary.

There are varieties of characteristics attributed to the nature of an individual’s existence — such characteristics that exist solely due to the nature of the complexity. One of the most prominent facets of an individual is their curiosity of this world that resonates with peculiarity from the moment they are aware. Curiosity is what caused the complexity to express itself, in all the ways that it could; which in turn created all expressions, in all the ways that they are, have been and will forever be.

To express the very nothingness that filled the void of itself, the complexity created the vast, infinite and ever-expanding universe. A complete darkness filled with a resounding silence, growing to more than it could ever imagine, forever wandering. However, an expression of the separated awareness was yet to be expressed. Within the cosmic universe of oblivion, the nothingness that was… could forever be. Nonetheless, to express the awareness of itself, nothing created something to be aware of the nothing.

In the never-ending void of emptiness, there formed countless stars and planets alike. The expression of something in the nothing, yet all matter and energy — from which all things are made — remained as One, with the illusion of separation. The separation of matter and energy, awareness and nothing, stars and planets, darkness and light and an infinite number of examples are all manifestations of a false duality born within unity.

Although all things that appear from unity seem to respect the laws by which two things may exist, among the matter and antimatter, atomic particles and waves etc., energy remained to be the only thing that could ever be. Similar to the separation of One yielding both awareness and nothingness, the separation of energy yields all things. Energy formed in all the ways that it could, to express the infinite nature of the complexity; yet allowed for the illusion of impermanence to exist within the inevitable permanence that was.

The universe is the closest physical abstraction to what can be described as the perfect expression of the complexity. Limitless galaxies in an infinite cosmos expanding endlessly; an expression of infinity. However, it is not necessary to discover the entire universe to understand the very conception of all things, rather it is important to observe all things within reach and recognise the eternal essence of the universe within.

For what seemed to be an eternity, galaxies and nebulae formed and dissolved, appeared and vanished. There were no good things and there were no bad things, only One, as it is. There was no one to separate, no others to observe; there was simply the awareness of Self. There was no life and there was no death, no pain and no suffering, no one to hate and no one to love, yet One remained. There was no concept of something, no abstraction of nothing, no one to understand and no one to know; there simply wasn’t, although there was. An infinite void of being with no one to ask, no others to tell, no being to be and no places to dwell.

Following aeons of creation and destruction, in what appeared as a silent moment in a world of disorder, a planet — infinitesimally small when compared to all things — came to be, a microcosmic replica of the entire universe. Filled with mysteries untold and formations uncovered, The Earth was born from what was supposedly nothing, becoming the very something in which we live today. Before the abstraction of life as we know it came to be, there formed the skies above and the oceans beneath, awaiting the emergence of the first living thing. Single-celled microorganisms appeared billions of years ago, only a few hundred million years after the formation of The Earth.

After millenniums of creation and destruction, life and death, formation and separation, there was one expression of the Creator that was yet to be expressed, all the while being expressed inevitably due to the inherent nature of everything being an expression. Out of the very few human species, the modern human emerged due to its capabilities in communication and ability to build complex structures that would become the demise of all other forms of life. Thus began the evolution of human civilisation, filled with creation and destruction, love and hatred, comedy and tragedy and all that can be seen as expressions of the complexity.

Humans are no different than other species in the metaphysical sense, however if you are reading and understanding this man-made symbolistic expression of language, it is more than likely that you are able to relate to the struggles of human life more so than the lives of others. The complexity had created and observed, and the human being was its way of observing an observer creating, who would then go on to microcosmically and exponentially create new born life, to express the eternal and infinite beauty that is. Enquiry into the most high continued not only as an exploration of the self, but also as an exploration of others.

The true nature and characteristics of other life forms may forever be a mystery to those who are unable to view the world from other perspectives. However, the idea of multiple perceptions of a single universe, world or idea is not as much an impossibility as it is commonplace. In your evolution, the Universe has consistently provided You with a unique interpretation of the complexity, whether or not you remember why you remember at all… is beside the point.

As much as You are an expression of this vast and eternal universe with your infinite stories and countless memories, your stories and memories are expressions of you. The life you are living is only the way that it is because you are the way that you are. Like the separation of One into awareness and nothingness, you have separated your perception of the complexity into the physical, the self and the metaphysical.

The physical is what one may perceive as a vessel for the soul that is supposedly the true self, whereas the metaphysical represents the One and only Truth. Nevertheless, there is no thing that is the Truth, for no thing can be the Truth as the very concept of a “thing” is created within the confines of the Truth. No thing can be a representation of the truth, yet all things are. There is no actual separation between the physical, the self and the metaphysical for all are, have been and forever will be one. All are expressions of the complexity, Universe, One, etc. in all the ways they can be; in this exact moment of time, they are the expression of You.

It is when you let go and surrender the desire to separate yourself from whatever it is you believe you are not — as you already are all that you are searching for — that you will remember, all that is left is to recognise that you are already found. All things, including the infinite cosmos, the endless forms of life and everything in between, are not only expressions of you, but are You. It is when you find the self — you are trying to forget — in everything that is already found, that you will finally remember there was nothing to remember at all.

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Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.