The Law Of Life: The Archetype

Sam Chahine
Published in
11 min readApr 17, 2020

Not only are you trying to find it, but it is trying to find you.

The aim of this section is to shine a light on the constant inquiry one will soon be able to identify, that comes from The Complexity due to its perceptive nature. In all things that are, The Complexity is; due to the paradoxical essence of The Complexity and because you are trying to find it, it is as a result trying to find you. However, it is not that The Complexity is only now beginning to speak, but that you are yet to shift your perspective to a level of awareness that is able to hear it.

To say that The Complexity is in all things is simple, though it is difficult to understand without first knowing for yourself how it can be found. The abundant nature of The Complexity is one of the main reasons as to why it is so overlooked. You have already found The Complexity as it has found you, but without knowing what you are looking for, the search can never end.

In your development regarding the intellectual perception of The Complexity you must understand that it may not be the same as another. If I was to describe The Complexity I have found, it would perfectly reflect the one you are yet to remember. Just like the unique and personal identity one may entertain for many years, The Complexity is unique to each individual; it is the seed or the mystical blueprint from which you’ve become.

Fortunately, trying to explain a thing that cannot be explained will inevitably mark me infallible in my attempts to remind you of what cannot be forgotten. You will interpret — as yourself — my own interpretation of what The Complexity is, and understand it from your individual point of view. This concept is important to grasp as it highlights the unconnected paths individuals must take in order to reach the same destination, which will be further explored in the coming sections.

The physical self will be the initial focus in the observation of the microcosmic nature of the universe. The most efficient method of developing a spatial awareness for the synchronicity of simultaneously occurring events is to identify the properties that link the physical self to the universe. Once the properties are found, comparing all there is to respective parallels recursively will help shine a light on the infinite relationships all things possess.

Though it is useful for an individual to critically observe the similarities that exist in both the physical self and the infinite cosmos, it is much easier to simply remember the significant events that just occurred. Remembering the events that have occurred rather than trying to observe events that are yet to unfold is an awareness technique that will benefit your understanding of The Complexity. Understand that you must be distracted by the story in order to be able to observe the synchronicity in everything; One must be in a state of self-unawareness whilst observing the story, rather than trying to predict the events that are yet to unfold.

Only after the state of self-unawareness has concluded and you are again “aware” of your presence, can you inquire your memories and analyse what happened. Try to observe everything that occurred and find a connection between all events, regardless of their significance. Demonstrate to yourself how each event is connected, how all occurrences are paralleled, how the abstraction of all that was observed is exactly the same.

For the purpose of this example, the concept of time will be used so as to express the rate of change in this physical world we are trying to unveil. There are times where events that took hours or maybe days to unfold are paralleled with events that occurred in a second. What you must do is strip back all unnecessary physical properties of these events until you find the metaphysical, eternal essence — the mystical blueprint — that everything perfectly abides by. Once the mystical blueprint — your complexity — becomes salient in all that you observe, the similarities in all things will finally be revealed.

As soon as you are able to observe The Complexity in your day-to-day happenings, you will be at a level of awareness that allows you to find The Complexity internally! It is not only the physical world that abides by The Complexity, but also the metaphysical world that is expressed in your never-ending thoughts. The next step is to observe the abstraction and patterns present in your thought processes and identify the similarities in the physical world. You must find The Complexity in all things that are and all things that are not, to be able to remember the answer to the question that cannot be asked.

It may be hard to visualise an example where the observation of multiple unrelated events have the exact same abstraction or pattern, so I will attempt to demonstrate this phenomenon using an analogy . Imagine you are walking along a road and you are about to turn a corner. As all the cars are driving by, you think about your favourite beverages. A thought appears and is as follows: “I do enjoy the taste of coffee more than tea, however –”. As soon as the thought shifts from a definite statement of enjoying the coffee — expressed linguistically as “however” — you turn the corner, and then you observe a car turning a corner. Your thoughts resume, “However, I do enjoy the serenity that tea allows me to experience!”.

In the above example, the abstraction of the thought would be as if a certain direction was headed, and then the direction turned to a different destination. The presence of the “however” is physically represented by the street corner, as well as by the route you are taking. In the example, notice how all instances — physical and metaphysical — of the abstraction expressed by a “change of direction” occurred at the same time. That is the synchronicity one must be able to identify, all things happening in unison as well as sharing the same synchronicity once abstracted.

If you were to illustrate a visual representation of the abstraction belonging to the three simultaneously occurring events above, you may discover a recursive diagrammatic pattern. Luckily, it is not necessary to invent a system through which one can understand the recursive and reverberating abstraction since one already exists — the Fibonacci Sequence! The Fibonacci Sequence is a series formed by adding up the two numbers before it, starting with 1. It may be difficult to observe the recursive nature of The Complexity in the numbers, so we will explore the visual representation instead!

This diagram attempts to visualise the abstraction of all three events, as well as the underlying complexity from which everything becomes. The square in the top left corner is a duplicate of The Complexity, which is represented by the square to its right. Then a bigger square is drawn beneath the two smaller squares, and when observed as a whole, the shape will appear as a rectangle. The bigger square towards the bottom of the rectangle is once again scaled and drawn to the right of the rectangle. It should become apparent that regardless of the number of times this process is repeated, the rectangle will always exist in the same proportion. Similarly, no matter the number of shapes ever-present, they will all be a part of One grand representation. This mathematical phenomenon is known as The Golden Ratio.

In order to emphasise the correlation between The Golden Ratio and The Complexity, one must abstract the example and see it in the cyclical nature of the diagram above . The smallest two squares in the top left corner represent the abstract change in direction (left square) and The Complexity (right square). The square below them represents the same thing exactly, though it is bigger in size. The last square is no different than the smallest or the one in the middle, but it is again bigger than the rest. The squares can be seen as the abstract blueprint for the notion of “Change in direction”, and the difference in size represents the varying significance or properties each may have. They are all following exactly the same underlying pattern — The Complexity from which they have all been reproduced. Regardless of how many times the abstraction is repeated in the observable, physical world, it will always be a part of One grand representation. The following is the same diagram with labels that explains the relation the events in the example share.

Though this example maybe simple, the process of identifying the recurrent abstractions in everyday events will help develop your awareness of all phenomena, regardless of whether or not the outcomes of these events will ever intercept. The focus of this exercise is to not only find the abstractions of everyday events, but also understand the underlying abstraction — The Complexity — from which you have become. In the process of observing all that can be observed with a synchronistic awareness, one will be able to find the parallel abstractions the self shares with the universe.

The example above demonstrates a repetitive abstraction through the concept of linear occurrences, however synchronicities can be displayed in any form, physical or metaphysical. The following is an example of the infinite variations these abstractions can adapt to where the observation of sound is the focus.

Imagine you are walking along the road and you sneeze. Soon-after you hear a car beep its horn in the same frequency as your sneeze. You are still unaware of the synchronicity unfolding. Moments pass and a bird twitters at the frequency of both your sneeze and the beep, followed by the screeching sound of drifting tires that resonate for the same period of time as all the sounds heard prior.”

In this example, the abstraction is a little more “abstract” and not as evident as the one previously explained. The more complex a synchronicity is, the harder it is to explain. However do not attempt to explain it, simply be aware of it. Your logical understandings and physical expressions are limited instruments through which complex structures lose their perfect form, so do not confuse yourself by trying to recreate the abstraction, instead remain as the observer of all that is physical and metaphysical. The following is a visual representation of the example explored above:

This exercise is not designed to distract you from your daily affairs, it is only supposed to remind you to be aware of events that yield synchronistic results, big or small. If you try to look for the synchronicity you will not find it, what you must do is be aware of events either upon or moments after their conclusion. In the remembering, try to analyse all the patterns and characteristics in both significant and insignificant occurrences, until a recurring abstraction becomes apparent.

The examples used above to demonstrate the presence of the synchronicities have so far been events that occur, however abstractions of all things can be similarly observed. One of the most fascinating synchronicities can be found in your own personal space, whether it be a room, house or the outdoors. One can analyse the abstraction of their living space and find that it is no different to the abstraction of himself! For example, should there be a certain aspect of a space that is under appreciated or consistently avoided, an individual may find that an equivalent and abstracted instance of distaste exists in their own physical or mental space. The best course of action in this situation would be to find a solution to the problem and once abstracted, the solution can be applied to all instances of the abstraction.

In the quest of observing the synchronicities of events that have just occurred, it is important to remain in an automated state of being and remember the events that have just unfolded rather than to expect a pattern to present itself. Conversely, when searching for the abstraction and synchronicities in aspects or certain situations regarding your physical experiences of the world — personality, values, relationships, etc. — it would make more sense to be consistently aware of your previous, current and future situations. Should you abstract your personal relationships and relate the abstraction to that of your upbringing, the notion of not being aware — in order to see the synchronicities — becomes irrelevant. This would only make sense if what you are abstracting was dependant on your unconscious amalgamation with the universe, but these are memories and circumstances that will continue to exist, regardless of your state of awareness.

When searching for abstractions of events within your vicinity, remember that you do not have to find a synchronistic connection between things that are happening and your physical self. At this point, one must understand that the physical self is not separate from the observable universe. Thus, in the process of finding synchronicities, realise that whether or not your physical self is a significant part of the patterns discovered, you are still finding similarities in the self — the true self that is in all things!

Once you are comfortable in finding synchronistic abstractions from your everyday events, attempt to find the same similarities in bigger concepts and ideas! Instead of only being aware of the cars on the road, or the way you feel about your personal space, start observing how you solve problems, disputes and any complications you may have experienced in your life. After analysing your solutions, compare the abstractions therein to the smaller things, like how you dress, talk and any facet of your existence that you can possibly imagine. What you will see after finding a single abstraction that is in all applications of the physical self and the physical world around you, is the mystical blueprint, The Complexity and the perfect essence from which you’ve become.

The diagram above represents a better way to approach the understanding of a complexity that manifests as an instance of an event, and resonates infinitely in all the ways that it can. From the initial point of its conception, The Complexity is on a cyclical path to replicate and reproduce itself in all the ways that it can. No matter how different its counterparts may seem, they are all a product of the same factor. What you must realise is the infinite spiral along which The Complexity is travelling, rather than the point from which it has commenced its journey. Once you remember and recognise the path which you have been inevitably following, The Complexity will show itself, though not in any way it hasn’t already been seen.

The awareness and realisation of your own Complexity from which you and everything you have ever done has become is an integral part of your metaphysical development. After the consistent inquiry and interrogation of the self, it is not that you will have found different complexities and patterns, but rather many pieces of a puzzle that will — upon completion — allow you to see The Complexity from which everything has become! Each synchronistic abstraction you may found can be seen as another square in the same representation of the Golden ratio, where the different sizes of the squares represent the varying abstractions one may have found to explain the patterns discovered in the physical world! Though, in time it will become clear that all abstractions and synchronicities have come from one initiate occurrence, The Complexity whence everything has come.



Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.