The Law Of Life: The Repetition

Sam Chahine
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2020

It is a ridiculousness one must employ in the search for what can not be found.

Though the perfect essence of The Complexity is indescribable, certain aspects of its nature can be isolated and further explored for the purpose of clarity. Similar to the analysis of The Archetype discussed in the previous subsection, the investigation of the concept of Repetition will only benefit the current understandings we have realised in regards to The Complexity. In the process of recognising The Complexity, one must first recognise all of its conceptions. One must remember The Complexity in all the ways that it has and has not been, though understand the paradoxical essence that has reverberated through out all the physical and metaphysical instances of itself.

It can be quite demanding to relate all things back to each other, just for the purpose of discovering the very thing all things are expressing. It is also difficult to relate two oceans to a couple of birds, but it is easier to say that they both come in pairs. To observe the repetitive nature of The Complexity, it is unnecessary to relate the contents of two stories to each other, rather it is more beneficial to compare the abstractions of each instance and recognise the recurrent concepts and ideas therein.

To make the assertion that “All is One” is simple, but to finally see the unified nature that envelops all that is dual in the physical and metaphysical world is more challenging, though inevitable. Separation is the process through which unified characteristics are dissected and treated as independent wholes. Fortunately, in the experience of this world, separation allows an individual to compare and conceptualise differences in connected systems which enables an intelligent approach to making complex decisions that accomodate the individual’s particular needs. However, in the search for unity, one must become actively aware of the constant and unconscious separation that occurs and causes unnecessary disassociation in unified concepts and ideas, both physical and metaphysical.

In the development of a greater understanding regarding the unity that exists in all things, one must continuously attempt to unify dual concepts and ideas that would otherwise be considered separate. By observing all things and their relative abstractions in unison, it will become easier to identify the repetition of reoccurring abstractions and synchronicities in everyday events, as well as the physical and the metaphysical self. The concept of an ever-present synchronicity has been demonstrated through a visual representation of the Golden Ratio, and due to the repetitive nature of synchronicities we are also able to express the concept of repetition using the exact same diagram!

In the example put forward regarding The Archetype, the Fibonacci Spiral was used to represent the mystical blueprint from which everything becomes. Each consequently larger square — beginning from the top left square and spiralling anti-clockwise — was used as a way to represent an abstraction that forever repeats itself. In the perceptive nature of the physical and metaphysical universe, it can be seen to habituate itself into everyday situations. One must inquire into the concepts, ideas and abstractions of everyday events and find the mystical blueprint that synchronicities reverberate throughout.

Although the concept of a synchronicity relates to the corresponding abstractions realised from everyday events, once abstracted again, synchronicities can be simply observed as repetitions. Should the diagram above be explored, one will be able to recognise the ongoing duplication of the initial square, followed by the repetition of the pattern that inevitably repeats itself due to the algorithmic nature of the underlying formula — the mystical blueprint. You must find the synchronicities of the abstractions present in specific occurrences and situations in order to observe the repetitive nature of all things, independent of significance.

To see the repetitive nature in completely unrelated events, one must be able to abstract the physical or metaphysical occurrences into concepts, ideas, formulas and patterns. In the beginning it may seem ridiculous that two completely unconnected events may share the same abstraction, but it is that ridiculousness one must employ in the search for all that can be found, but never lost! A visual demonstration of the ridiculous, boundless abstractions one must be able to make is as follows.

In the pursuit of honing a consistent awareness of the synchronicities — or rather repetitions — in all things, one must learn how to deconstruct an idea into abstractions. In the above example, the everyday act of looking at one’s hands is dismembered and abstracted until all that remains is the concept of duality. This example may be simple, but it demonstrates the simplicity of an anti-clockwise analysis of a routine event, all the while expressing the procedural inquiry in which one must always be able to engage. Should the inquiry continue –that is, before reaching the unreachable complexity — and one was to abstract the abstraction of duality, it can be said that “Duality” is One abstraction.

The process of abstracting concepts and ideas recursively allows an individual to find a representative concept or idea that inherently describes the nature and essence of all that was initially observed. It is through this repetitive process of inquiry that one can finally uncover the underlying nature of all things. As much as this is a way to abstract the physical world, it is as well a toolset one can use to explore the infinite and repetitive essence of the mind. Once you are able to recursively abstract everyday events, whether it is walking home, finding something that was lost or completing an unfinished task, the algorithmic nature of all things will finally come to light; The Complexity will start to become apparent in all things.

Recognising repetitive abstractions in day-to-day events should not distract you from your life, but enhance your perceptive nature so that it becomes aware of your perception! If the constant inquiry and inquisition into never-ending abstractions causes mental fatigue, one should not necessarily stop the inquiry, but rather make use of the techniques presented in the previous subsection to alleviate some of the discomfort encountered . So far, The Complexity has been dissected and analysed into two concepts: The Archetype and The Repetition. However, it is yet to be demonstrated and expressed throughout the physical and metaphysical world. In the following subsection, the application of The Complexity will be explored and hypothesised so as to show the infinite mechanisms one will soon be able to manoeuvre.



Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.