Analysis Of A15 Bionic Chip

Fastest chip For Smartphones

Asish Raz
4 min readSep 18, 2021


Being a great admirer of the Apple company's creativity I always end up googling about its products, the thought behind making these cool gadgets, though never thought of purchasing any. :P

A couple of days back, Apple launched iPhone 13 and as always, it goes beyond imagination by launching A15 bionic chip. A chip that claims to be the fastest chip in a smartphone. Let’s see, what it has:

A15 features

I. 5 nano-meter technology

5nm technology
  • Nano-meter, as we know one billionth of a meter which signifies the length of the transistor gate [the smaller the gate the more processing power that can be packed into a given space.]
  • For creating this small unit, one requires extremely expensive equipment and now you got a little idea, why Apple phones are expensive. 😉

[Note:- AMD, Qualcomm, Intel also uses the 5nm process]

II. 15 billion transistors

15 billion transistors
  • Transistor plays a very important role in processing and storing data on chips. It is a core circuit element.
  • Last year, iPhone 12 had 11.8 billion transistors on the A14 chip.

III. 6-core CPU processors [2-high performance core and 4-high efficiency core]

core CPU processors
  • Processor- executes every command and performs billions of calculations per second. The more power in the processor, the more stuff you can do with your device and with pace.
  • Core- an element of the processor that implements and executes tasks. Higher core-count processor way better for the software.
  • The high-efficiency core is for graphics-intensive tasks and Apple claims that iphone13 is 30% faster graphics than the competition, ideal for any mobile game.

[Note:- iPhone 13 will have 4 GPU cores and the iPhone 13 pro will have 5]

IV. 16-core neural engine

Core neural engine
  • With the help of a neural engine, Apple implements neural networks and machine learning which can perform 15.8 trillion operations per second.
  • It will be the fastest in image processing and in ML computations.
  • ML model has been trained by 20 million photos

That’s it.

All above-mentioned feature becomes secondary as the primary thing for the legit Apple customer is ‘The Charger’. 😁


Thank you for your time and please feel free to correct me, if somewhere I have made it wrong or incomplete. Do encourage me to write more by clapping. Comment down your thoughts, your disagreement, your appreciation, anything.
Keep up the great work and more power and love to you.

Thank you! 🙌🤝
ApnaCODER 👩‍💻

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Asish Raz

entrepreneur, moody, moody writer, moody singer, traveller, hangout lover