API Call in Swift Part 2

Completion and Error Handling

2 min readAug 12, 2021


Improving network call from part 1. Using completions and error handlings.

In part 1, we saw how to make a network or API call in a very basics way. But in this article, we will try to improve a bit the code. We will use some completions, error handling, and a proper view model.

Again, we are not going to use any third party. We will be using all the apple APIs.

I am not showing the decodable model, because it's similar to what it was in part 1. If you wish to see it, you can refer to part 1.

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

Service Manager

  • This time we are creating a service manager separated from our view model.
  • This class will contain things related to network calls only.
  • We are creating function as static so that, we can access that without creating its object.
  • You can see there is a completion of the result, counting data and error. We will handle it while calling this function.
  • Also, we have created an enum case to handle the errors.
  • Lastly — In my code, you will see spaces before the colon, that's not a good habit, I am trying to change it for the last 2 months. 😇

Weather View Model

  • Our view model is making that network call in its initialization.
  • We are handling the errors and updating the alert title based on success and failure.
  • We made it observable so that we can observe the properties in UI.

Thats it for PART 2

Thanks for Reading 💯

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Check this link: https://bit.ly/38HOQeb

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