Best JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2021

Read it till the end if you love JS ;)

Hari Sapna Nair
5 min readJun 12, 2021


New year, new frameworks?

In this fast-growing tech industry, it becomes essential for developers to be updated with the latest framework in the market. Knowing the top skills and frameworks can open doors to various job opportunities.

According to the survey conducted by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is topping the list of most popular programming languages across the world. JavaScript is used in almost every field like web development, game development, machine learning, etc. The various JavaScript frameworks are Vue.js, Svelte, Ember.js, Backbone.js, Next.js, Meteor, Aurelia, Express.js, Polymet.js, etc and the list goes on. It seems like JavaScript is everywhere, and JavaScript isn’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Hence in this blog, we can explore the various JavaScript frameworks and discuss their features, benefits, and use cases.

Let’s have a look at some of the best JavaScript Frameworks in 2021.

1. React.JS

React.js is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library for building UI components. Yes, it’s not a framework, but it’s being discussed along with frameworks because of its growing popularity in the job market, and most developers have accepted it as a framework. Excellent community support, improved efficiency, extra simplicity, flexibility, and reusable components are the key reasons behind React’s success. It was created in 2013 by Jordan Walke, who works at Facebook as a software engineer. It is used at companies like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

Some of the features of React are:-

  1. For every DOM object, there is a corresponding Virtual DOM object created. It creates a virtual copy of the original DOM and is a representation of a DOM object.
  2. It provides efficient performance as it manages a virtual DOM.
  3. JSX makes writing React components easier by making the syntax almost identical to the HTML injected into the web page.

Benefits of using React are:-

  1. Improves maintainability and improves productivity and efficiency
  2. Easy Debugging
  3. Good community support
  4. We can write simple and clean code
  5. Quick rendering

2. Express JS

Express JS is a back-end JS framework for developing web applications with the help of simple APIs. It is an open-source framework that was developed by TJ Holowaychuk and is maintained by Node.js and numerous open source contributors. It is flexible and has various modules available on npm, which can be directly plugged into Express. It is also used to create REST APIs. Companies like PayPal, Uber, IBM, etc., use Express.

Some of the features of Express are:-

  1. Templating engines provided by Express allow the developers to build dynamic content on the web pages by creating HTML templates on the server-side.
  2. Receive HTTP responses through middleware
  3. Uses a routing table to take actions based on URL and HTTP method
  4. It provides features of Node.js in the form of functions that can be readily used anywhere in the program
  5. A Debugging mechanism provided that can pinpoint the exact part of the web application which has bugs.

Benefits of using Express are:-

  1. Easy Debugging
  2. It makes development fast and easy
  3. Compatible with other frameworks
  4. Easy to connect with databases
  5. Easy routing
  6. Scalable and lightweight

3. Vue JS

Vue.js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Vue is a model–view–view-model JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You, who was a former employee at Google. He wanted to create a framework like Angular that was easy to learn. Vue uses a single tool for testing and debugging, as well as a two-way data binding system (meaning that when the user types in the input, the value gets updated to match the value in the input). Companies like Netflix, Alibaba, Adobe, etc. use Vue

Features of Vue are:-

  1. It utilizes virtual DOM.
  2. Data binding allows you to assign values to HTML attributes, change the style, etc.
  3. It supports CSS transitions and animations.
  4. HTML- based templates are provided that bind the DOM with the Vue.js instance data

Benefits of Vue are:-

  1. Easy to understand
  2. Simple integration
  3. Flexibility
  4. Code readability
  5. Good for unit-testing

4. Next JS

Next.js is an open-source front-end development framework. It allows us to build a hybrid application containing both server-rendered and statically generated pages. It was developed by Vercel and is now being maintained by the open-source community. Companies like Netflix, GitHub, Avocode, etc. use Vue

Features of Next JS are:-

  1. It optimizes the image automatically using instant builds
  2. It shows real-time analytics like visitor data, per page insights, etc
  3. Automatic routing and language detection
  4. Automatic bundling and compilation
  5. We can pre-render a page at request time or build time.

Benefits of using Next JS are:-

  1. Built-in CSS support
  2. Fast Refresh
  3. Allows us to focus on the business logic of Next.js app instead of the application logic
  4. Great performance
  5. Rapid feature development
  6. Easy and fast user experience

Which is the best framework?

Now, this is the wrong question to ask. There is no correct answer to this question as there can’t be a specific framework that will be well-suited for your requirements. One should carefully analyze the project requirements before choosing a framework for the application, as every framework is unique. So before choosing a framework, one should consider the features, learning curve, community support, documentation, etc., and then decide a framework for their project.

“Understanding of WHEN TO USE? WHY USE IT? WHERE TO USE? is the key!”

That’s it from my side, I hope you found this post useful 😊.

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