Paradigm Shift from Classical to Quantum Computing — PART 1

Shivam Dhyani
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2021

All that you need to get started with Quantum Computing!!


“The number of transistors per silicon chip will double every year” — this was the statement stated by George Moore in 1975, known as Moore’s Law. This Law was true till 2017, but as we are now in the 3rd decade of the 21st century, it is predicted that Moore’s Law will no longer exist by the mid of this decade(i.e. by 2025).

So what’s the future? Is the computational power going to be stagnant in the future? Are we not going to see AI exceeding human intelligence in the coming future?

Well, sorry to say but that’s not the truth. In computer science, there’s always a new technology available for challenging the other. For our case, it’s Quantum Computing.

So how different is Quantum Computing from Classical Computing? When it’s going to engulf classical computing? Let’s start from the beginning first.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is an application of “Quantum Physics”. If you don’t know about quantum physics, then don’t worry let me briefly explain it to you. Quantum Computing is the study of nature at the microscopic level i.e. at atomic & sub-atomic levels. It is the superset of Classical Physics. Quantum Physics is the one on which Albert Einstein talked about in the Photo-Electric effect.

How Different is Quantum Computing from Classical Computing?

Let’s understand this with the properties of Quantum Physics that help a Quantum Computer to compute at a fundamentally different concept.

1. Superposition

To perform any task on a classical computer, it uses combinations of bits to generate the desired output. A bit can exist in a binary state, which means it can either be ‘0’ or ‘1’. Similarly in Quantum Computers uses “QuBits” i.e. Quantum Bits, which are used to perform computational tasks.

Now the working of these QuBits is a little different from classical bits. QuBits can exist in three different states. They can either be ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘0 & 1’ both together. This third state ‘0 & 1’ both make Quantum Computing fundamentally different from the classical one.

Let’s discuss more this third state of Quantum Computing. The ‘0 & 1’ state means that the QuBit can inherit the property of ‘0’ and ‘1’ in a proportional amount at the same time. This means a QuBit can be 50% ‘0’ & 50% ‘1’ or 30% ‘0’ & 70% ‘1’ or any combination of ‘0’ &’1’ states in a proportionate amount.

These Qubits are made from the similar fundamental elements that inherit these three states. One of those elements is Electron. As we know electron does not revolve around the nucleus, it keeps on randomly changing its position within an atom. It is also observed that it may exist at two positions within an atom at the same time. This makes the electron a superposition element. Thus electrons are used to manufacture Trapped-Ion QuBits.

Another element is the photon. As we know the dual nature of light(i.e. photon particles), they can act as a particle or a wave. This makes the photon a superposition element, which is used to manufacture Photonic QuBits. These QuBits are further used to manufacture Quantum Computers.

As each QuBit has a superposition state which is totally random, then how to synchronize more than one QuBit to work together inside a Quantum Computer? This is where an interesting property of Quantum Physics is used to connect two or more QuBits which is Quantum Entanglement.

2. Quantum Entanglement

Here to connect two QuBits, some deeper concepts of Quantum Physics are used. After the connection is established between those two particles, they both form a relationship with each other. With the help of this relationship between them, measuring the state of one of them can tell us the state of the other one at that moment.

The best part of the Quantum Entanglement property is that the connection between the QuBits remains established irrespective of the distance between the QuBits. Even if one of the two QuBit is sent thousands of light-years away to the other galaxy then also the connection remains valid. This violates the concepts of the Theory of Relativity at the microscopic level.

Now let’s understand the relation established between the two QuBits with the help of an example. Here we are considering two coins as two entangled Qubits. Initially, they both will be existing in the superposition state(i.e. Random state). When we measure the state of one of them it shows Head. As the other coin is entangled with the first one, so it will show Tail. If one QuBit is at ‘1’ state then the other one will be at ‘0’ state.

This is how the relationship between many QuBits can be established by Quantum Entanglement. This connection helps the QuBits to communicate with each other and helps the quantum computer to function at the optimal level.

This is how Quantum Computing works on the phenomenon of Quantum Physics. We hope now you have gained a better understanding of this topic.

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