2 Weeks @ Coder Academy Brisbane

4 min readAug 31, 2019


As the Saturdy morning sun rises…. the kettle boils && the bacon sizzles I reflect on my first 2 weeks of the Fast track Coding Bootcamp @Coder Academy Brisbane.

Its crazy to think that just 2 weeks ago! I knew literally nothing! about coding except for some basic HTML.

I can’t lie….there has been Moments!…. Moments of frustration….Moments where I felt like i couldn’t do it…like I wasn’t smart enough and maybe I should give up….BUT!.

There has also been those other Moments!…..Moments of savouring success…moments where something clicked and it all came together….moments where hard work and pushing through when it felt hard (asking the “stupid” questions & putting in the hours at home until i crawled into bed) truly paid off!…..But I can honestly say that nothing really compares to the feeling you get when you crack the code and you have an operational application before your eyes.

As i sit here now reflecting and thinking back i simply cannot! believe what i have learnt in 2 weeks. I cant even begin to think what I will achieve in 6 months @Coder Academy Brisbane.

🤓 So what did I learn…?

Kaiser chiefs

Great question thanks for asking !

🎵Ruby,Ruby,Ruby,Ruby… na,na,na,na,na,naaaaaa!…

🎵 Do ya do ya do ya do ya…na,na,na,na,na,naaaaaa!…

Thanks Kaiser chiefs! 😂

….sorry about that….&& on-wards….The last 2 weeks my cohort at Coder Academy Brisbane have been learning the fundamentals of programming.

what better way to do this than by learning Ruby! ruby is a popular object -orientated programming language and is a common choice for beginners, as the syntax is easy to learn, being that most of its commands are very close to plain English. Plus it automatically does a lot of the hard stuff for you!

Week 1

We started off week 1 learning the basics like different data types. Including strings, integers and floats and Boolean (including comparison operators)and also covered concatenation (adding data together) and Interpolation (inserting data into other data). we also learnt about variable types local versus constants and how to assign them and their importance.

Towards the end of week 1 we covered off flow control including sequential, selective (if/elsif/else,cases & conditionals)and how to build loops (while,unless,loop do etc…). Finally but certainly not least was how to build our own Methods and what they are used for.

To consolidate this knowledge I spent my Friyay! night building a small scissors, paper, rock game and built a pig Latin converter over the weekend to prepare myself for the week to come! (Arrays). 😮

Week 2

After giving our brains a well needed break and taking a sigh of relief it was time to tackle week 2!

I couldn't wait to see what i would achieve by the end of this week !! I can’t believe I was writing operational terminal apps in just 1 week !!

…BOOM!. Monday morning was straight into Arrays. we learnt about how to create them, how to change them & access them and how to iterate through them to find information using “.each do” loops. Moving further into the week we learnt about Hashes & Symbols and creating key => value pairs.

To finish of the week we learnt about Classes, and how to create our own, including inheritance and using Modules for selective trait allocation. To help us tie it all together we finished off with a lesson on Git & Git hub and learnt some project management skills including how to use Trello and prepare user stories.

What a crazy 2 weeks. I am currently rushing this blog so i can go and work on my terminal game Llama Palooza ! 🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙

I seriously can’t believe that I’m doing this in just 2 weeks! and I can’t wait to see what I can achieve in 6 months thanks to Coder Academy Brisbane!!!! Thanks guys!!!

Also a BIG thanks to the Mentors that coder academy have invited in for us who were all inspiring amazing people who couldn't wait to Inspire us !

Ashley Davis, Ben Ihle, and Mysterious Matt who I will tag later !! 🤓✌

OH! and all of the educators and student support!…Thanks

Matt,Jordan,Janelle,Asha(sorry about the spelling guys),Ash and Steph!

you guys rock ! 👍 …. The support and mentor-ship is certainly second to none.

