Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2019


Day 1 — FAST track bootcamp @ Coder Acadamy Brisbane

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s vomit on his sweater already, Mum’s spaghetti….OK! maybe a little dramatic :P …but making a big!!! change can be nerve racking right!!!?

Hey guys! welcome to my Blog. This is a space for me to share my learning journey with the world. I will share tutorials on things i have learnt to help consolidate my learning and pass on invaluable information for complete beginners like me!

I will also try my best to help inspire those who have wanted to make a change.Maybe you have a lot of family commitments…(i have 5 kids to be accountable for). Maybe your scared to make the jump because lets face it change is scary!! especially if your a Taurus like me :D. But I am here to prove that anyone! can achieve there dreams if you have the knackers to make the jump when the opportunity arrives. (hard work required)

Follow me each week and come on this amazing journey with me here @ CODER ACADEMY BRISBANE!! from Craney ==> Coder in just 6 months.

