My First Terminal Application



Hello all my loyal followers! All three of you !! 😂✌

Today marks

A glorious moment in my journey from crane Operator to Coder!

The submission of my first assignment!!. We were tasked with creating a terminal application using Ruby. This was designed to challenge and develop our programming fundamental skills and help develop our project management skills.

So i did what any man should do. I wrote a text based Llama vs Sloth Battle game.

oh yes i did!

This is the link to Git Hub where you can read the Documentation and check out the screen shots if you can be bothered. If your a Dev or aspiring Dev and want to kill some boredom you can even download the repository and play it!!! you will require Ruby in terminal and some other Gem dependencies though.

But tell us more!….Sure if i have to 🤓😂

Basically Llama Palooza is an interactive text based battle game that allows the user/player to choose from 3 Llama clan warriors. Each of these characters will have a varying level of attributes. The player will then enter battle with the Sloth Boss. The Sloth Boss’s attributes will be randomly generated and the match will be displayed. The generation Of Sloth Boss’s attributes will be within a fair scope to allow for fun and fair game play.

Once the match is displayed a heads and tails choice will go to the player and the winner will start (either the player or sloth boss). Each player will take turns at attacking (randomly generated attack types) until a winner is apparent. The player will then have the option of playing again or exiting the game. If the player chooses to play again they can then choose if they want to change clans or continue with their current Llama. Sloth boss’s attributes will be regenerated to ensure fair game play.

What a great learning experience this week has been. I Cant believe what i have achieved in 2 weeks thanks to Coder Academy Brisbane.

A very valuable lesson that i have learnt this week is about TDD or Test Driven Development and i would love to do a blog about it hopefully over the weekend as i believe it is key to creating Agile code and helping prevent easily breakable code.

Thanks guys ! Peace! ✌

