Welcome to the Command Line!

Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019


What is it ? …. Why do i need to use it ? …. How do i get started ? ….

Im glad you asked !!! To put it simply a CLI or a Command Line Interface, Command Line terminal,Shell ….Whatever floats your boat really is nothing more than a program that accepts commands for the computer system in the form of a text input. If you want to create a directory (folder) or a file of just about any type…maybe several at once! you can do it all from the command line. You can copy files and folders redirect them and delete them all from one place. You can even view and change what is in them to some degree especially in regards to text.It is a common and essential tool for budding Developers to master (Hi Sense 🐱‍👤).

Why do i need to use it?…great question! first of all there are certain commands that are achievable from a command line that you cant do from a GUI or Graphic user interface. But most importantly it is about speed and efficiency. What would take a up to minute to complete in your GUI can be achieved in a matter of seconds in your command line. Whats even more fantastic is that you can create scripts for commonly executed tasks so you can complete them with a quick command.

get it done….quik!

The short of the long folks ? If you want to get serious about web development the command line is a great place start. It takes a bit of learning but once you get the knack of it and learn the basic commands you'll be setting yourself up to whizz around your computer like speedy Gonzallis…if thats how you spell it😂. If you go to this link https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-the-command-line and take yourself from beginner to in the know in a few sessions!!

Also go HERE to find a list of most commands that can be used and what they do on Bash which will work on Linux and Mac systems (the most commonly used in the industry).

If you don’t have one of these see my next blog post about installing a linux based CLI or Command line system on to a windows setup.

