Stop Playing Kabuki Theater

The Lefty League
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2020

Today, I saw both Rep. Nancy Pelosi and former VP Joe Biden tweet out that the GOP does not “believe" in science.

Repeating that old Mantra about GOP not believing in Science
Once again…

Nothing can be further from the truth.

Scientific facts do not stop the GOP from enacting measures to enrich their donors.

The GOP know the effects of covid-19. They just don’t care. They are putting the profits of their donors over the lives of the poorest Americans. How do we know that? Listen to their own words.

Grandmas Should Sacrifice Themselves For Capitalism!

The claim that Trump isn’t listening to the experts is false. They are listening to experts… experts like Lloyd Blankfein.

Experts like the Wall Street CEOs who the President met to coordinate the response to the Covid-19. These experts have echoed the same message and the president has implemented their plan. Their message: it is better for the wealthy to have many of us die, than to take measures that would destabilize the market.

This isn’t a question of whether or not question of the white house not believing the science. It is that they think most of our lives are worthless.

The problem of profits

The Democrats play kabuki theater with the Republicans on issues of life and death and it is a repeated pattern.

When talking about climate change, Democrats use the same smug rhetoric, “GOP does not believe in climate change.” The truth is that they know climate change is real, but they don’t care, because they know they probably won’t be affected too much. The reason they don’t care about climate change is because it only affects beings they don’t see as people.

The majority of the consequences of climate change will be faced by people in the historically colonized countries.

Nature has a sense of Irony

The GOP climate change denial has nothing to do with non-belief. Instead, they see it as necessary because the people most likely to die are not seen as fully human.

Climate drought is already affecting places in Africa, Asia and the middle-east

Until we get a strong Democratic party who will call the GOP out for what they really are: cold, blood-thirsty reactionaries, they will slide us deeper and deeper into the abyss.

