DSA Regime Change Caucus

6 min readApr 2, 2020


As a second, in their “regime change” collection this week, the Democratic Socialists of America, today the DSA released an article entitled, “Against Campism, for International Working-Class Solidarity.” The entire article was a long tirade riddled with ahistorical facts. However, the basic premise falls short of any critical examination.

Both of these pieces were co-authored by Dan La Botz, who is a vocal supporter of the evangelical, right-wing Nicaraguan opposition.

Daniel La Botz supporting the evangelical opposition in Nicaragua

When it comes to looking at geopolitical issues, my thought process is as follows: Take each issue, one by one, check the facts on the ground (not what US Nat-Sec propaganda says), look at potential action proposed by US, evaluate the effects based on my knowledge of the facts on the ground and finally come up with an opinion on the issue. But, they seem to impute a thought process that sounds more like Henry Kissinger’s thought process where he tries to “maximize the sphere of influence” to his camp.

Campism is a longstanding tendency in the international and U.S. left. It approaches world politics from the standpoint that the main axis of conflict is between two hostile geopolitical camps: the “imperialist camp,” today made up of the United States, Western Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Israel (or some such combination) on one hand and the “anti-imperialist camp” of Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other less-industrialized nations on the other. The anti-imperialist camp is generally defined as all formerly colonized nations and especially all avowedly anti-imperialist governments in the Global South.

While, they have used some important key words, I have yet to see any understanding of the specific meaning of these words. The dictionary defines imperialism as, “state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.”

Imperialist States

The United States is clearly imperialist. It started out as a settler-colony, acquiring territory through conquest and genocide. As for Israel, much like the US, the entire state project is that of settler-colonialism.

The United States continues to be imperialist because of their attempts (often successful) of getting economic control of Chile, Iraq, Libya, Bosnia, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, Russia, Bolivia… etc etc.

Western Europe is an ill-defined term. But, if they mean “individual countries in Western Europe”, well France still has economic control of their former African colonies. The United Kingdom, at different points in time, had nearly 2/3 of the world as their colony. They also supported the US in the invasion of Iraq, which enriched UK companies. If Western Europe means “NATO”, well NATO was a partner in the bombing of Libya, and it was for personal gain of many of the leaders such as France, ie exerting economic control of Libya. If Western Europe means EU, look no further than the Greek Debt crisis, where the stronger states in the EU, along with the US, exerted economic control over Greece through forced austerity.

Saudi Arabia has been waging a 7-year war, along with partners US and UK, in an attempt to install Saudi-backed Hadi government (who the Yemeni people overthrew). That fits the definition of imperialism.

Imperialism has a very specific meaning and a few countries fall into that definition of imperialism. It isn’t motivated by “blind hatred”, rage or a childish desire to b contrarian. In fact, it is merely looking at the facts on the ground.

Of course, as I have not examined each and every country for their imperial character, maybe other countries not on this list that are imperialistic. I only spoke about these countries because those are the ones that the article specifically pointed out.

Logical Categorical Error

The rest of the argument falls apart once you realize, the authors made a categorical error. A country can’t be anti-imperial, per se, but it can be “ non-imperial.” The authors mislabel and obscure the fundamental relationship between the imperial powers and these countries. They have been the victims of imperialism:



Center for American Progress article explains who funded the Syrian opposition


  • Last year, John Bolton admitted on camera that he wanted to steal Venezuela’s oil.
John Bolton says He wants to Invade Venezuela to steal their Oil

For more information on misinformation surrounding Venezuela, please read my article.


Dan Cohen explains the nature of the Hong Kong Protests



Under ordinary climactic conditions, the country falls 12% short.


On top of this, we understand how the US media works. For example, the US media tends to cover protests more, if the protesters are US-backed. While, there is often radio silence on protesters who are protesting US-allies.

Instead of accusing the left of being campists, it would behoove the authors of the article to take more time to understand the intricate nature of the media, government and also the US designs on the region before we ignite another war based on lies.

