Whatever happened to Steve Bannon?

The Lefty League
The Lefty League
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2019

from Adriel Hampton

I’ve recently been visiting family in Tokyo, and one night before dinner got to discussing American politics with a retired Japanese telecommunications executive. Like me, this gentleman has a multi-cultural, multi-racial family — and in his 40-year career with one of his country’s biggest companies, had spent considerable time in Europe and the U.S.

What ever happened to that Trump advisor, the one who worked with Cambridge Analytica, he asked.

Our friend’s question really got my mind going, pulling me back to the reasons I founded The Really Online Lefty League and why my team makes it a focus of our daily work. Because while Steve Bannon is no longer in the daily orbit of the kleptocratic Trump administration, his work continues.

“We’re a populist, nationalist NGO, and we’re global.” — Steve Bannon

Bannon, the former White House chief strategist who has advocated a new era of conflict between conservative Catholicism and Islam, is on a world tour to encourage nationalist governments and parties in Asia, in Europe, in South America, wherever he can get a hearing. He’s endorsed right-wing Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro (whose son has joined Bannon’s team), praised Indian Prime Minister and Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi as “Reaganesque,” and wooed Italy’s right-wing populists.

If, like me, you believe in pluralist societies where people of all races and faiths live together peacefully — if you cherish families living together in harmony and support a world where we build upon the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights instead of trying to tear down international cooperation, we share a common cause in defeating Bannon and his destructive “NGO.”

Nationalists are finding a strong foothold in the internet, led in large part by the success of Trump and his allies. That’s why while dozens of Democrats focus on the presidential race, The Lefty League is committed to fighting nationalists here at home in every House and Senate district. We have the best online strategists and meme creators, and we know that we can win not just elections but the support of the young people who will shape our world for generations to come.

— Adriel



The Lefty League
The Lefty League

The Really Online Lefty League is a grassroots PAC working for the 99%. FEC #C00682203. Visit theleftyleague.org