Art — A therapy

The Little Art
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Mental health is the most talked but least understood topic. Mostly, it is taken synonymous with being psychotic in the midst of common people. It’s not a disease, it’s not a problem but it’s a condition. It is just about the health of one’s mind which can be well as well as poor. It’s just as important as physical health which is concerned about the health status of one’s physique.

Mental health is the criterion which is of most concern. Good mental health initiates with a peaceful sleep, relaxed mind, and moderate routine and easy lifestyle. Mental health declines with the anxious mind, stressful routine, restless nights, depressed soul and burdened thoughts. It inclines one’s mental health towards diseased status; it worsens with time, puts them into depression and several other mental illness states and finally makes them psychotic.

Photo by from Pexels

Mental health is deeply injured by different worse gestures, displeasing words, declining success, abusive comments and several other factors. It firstly irritates one’s mind, make them restless, conquers their thoughts, takes them to voyage through overthinking, pushes them to an underestimating state that they can’t do anything, they’ll feel inferior, they’ll be feared to face people, they’ll be afraid to be mocked up, they’ll run away from the light of life, they’ll throw themselves into the darkness of depression and eventually become the alone psychotic.

Art in such a scenario plays a significant role. It can pull out one from the ultimate destination of being psychotic, it can make one overcome depression, it can lit a light of hope in their hearts and can treat a patient with diseased mental health.

Art lets one to pour out all the depressed thoughts, all the irritating words, all the chaos that’s disturbing their peace of mind and that makes them overcome it in the initial stage. It is the art that is purely related to the mental health, which can adequately treat the individuals, which can lighten-up the head of depressed souls. Hence art is all that can overcome different worsening stages of Mental health.

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Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

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The Little Art

A non-profit that is determined,through numerous artistic avenues, to promote arts education and creative learning opportunities for children and young people