Art in Life? Art is Life!

The Little Art
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2020

Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

Photo by Deeana Creates from Pexels

Art is all what I have; it’s all what I possess. In my life, Art is hope; hope to move on, hope to bear all, hope to stand-up for. Arts and creativity has a separate place in my routine, busy life. No matter how busy I am, but there is always time for Arts. Despite of all the busy routine, Arts capture some time from my everyday life.

In my life, arts and creativity is life, it’s everything, and it’s everywhere. It’s with me, wherever go. It grasps my mind and illuminates my vision in every quarter of my day. Whether it’s cooking or designing a label for medicine, whether it’s packing up bag or giving presentations, whether it’s making assignments or designing dress, whether it’s decorating a room or to prepare a salad, Arts and creativity conquers every corner of the different phases of my life.

Photo by Free Creative Stuff from Pexels

Being a pharmacist, when designing a label that adequately fits the teacher’s perspectives, that perfectly conveys adequate informative and that presents an eye-catching sight, Arts and creativity encounters the ground. In the kitchen, when baking a cake or organizing the utensils; creativity plays its due role. In packing up the bags for the vacations or a business meeting, Artistic and creative nature helps us out in organizing the travel essentials perfectly.

During presentations or the lectures, the arts and creativity figures out on how to make your ideas reach one’s mind. In making the hectic assignment, no matter how old we turn but its outlook captures the attention. Arts and creativity is always there to leave an eye-catching imprint in the sight of the teacher. While designing a dress, whether for Mayon or Cousin’s Baraat, arts and creativity conquers up the ideas. When decorating a room or a house, arts and creativity pulls up out the interior designer in you and help you out in such matter. When in the kitchen, preparing a salad or arranging the dining; arts and creativity always play their role to leave a fascinating imprint in the hearts of guests.

Photo by Natalie from Pexels

It’s all what the Arts and creativity perceive, it’s all what it encompasses, these are all the grounds it covers up in my everyday life.

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Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

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The Little Art

A non-profit that is determined,through numerous artistic avenues, to promote arts education and creative learning opportunities for children and young people