Arts — All What I Possess

The Little Art
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

Prexels — Brett Sayles

In this world of competition, all the people are excelling through their special skills, their creative super powers and their inborn talent. All are set at competing one another and of fascinating others through something different, through something that they own. Arts have become the greatest creative super power these days.

To me Arts is something that is God-gifted. It’s not what all can do or all can possess. It’s not so easy to draw, to paint to doodle all that your eyes can see, all that you have in your mind. It isn’t easy to draw up all the super imaginations or to pour down all the chaos in your head; that’s the power. That’s the creative super power.

Photo by from Pexels

The world is entirely different when seen through the eyes of an artist. An artist sees the shades of this mortal world through different perspectives, various angles and several alignments that no other person can. They have a special bond with the pencil, share a special association with the paintbrush and encounter a special relation with the paper; an abode for all their misleading chaos.

The random ideas in their heads and the misaligned thoughts in their mind sets their creative super power to a fascinating approach. When I see an object, I don’t just see it, but I analyze it. My mind runs towards its shadows, towards its shades, towards its angles and perspectives. The artistic scanner in my eyes lets me capture its beauty; the creative mind lets me analyze its structure and the magical fingers draws up all.

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

A degree can be left incomplete, a profession can leave you, you can be fired from the job, you can fail in your studies but Art is what you have, it’s what you possess, it’s your creative super power.

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Written by Aafia Muhammad Amin

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The Little Art

A non-profit that is determined,through numerous artistic avenues, to promote arts education and creative learning opportunities for children and young people