The Child: Episode 17

A bid for freedom

Alex Kilcannon


I glanced down at the child I’d tried to save. He scooted backwards, away from me.

If he won't come with me, I must leave him here.

I had no choice. I’d go alone and fetch help back with me.

A sharp ache pierced my chest at the thought of leaving him here. I tried to shrug it off. I’d only met him today, and he’d been nothing but trouble for me… still, it felt wrong to leave him alone with Harlan.

I was convinced that Harlan had gone mad. Maybe I had as well. Boys do not carry wolves around inside them. Not in my world.

I glanced wildly about me. I’d been to this house enough times. I knew my way around. The front door was not the only way out.

At a run, I took the corridor that led from the front room through to Harlan’s kitchen. The door to the backyard was, mercifully, unlocked. I wrenched it open and found myself back out in the dark of night.

I set off down the path through the middle of the yard. There was a gate at the far end, behind a tumble of climbing plants. If only I could find it in the dark.

I picked out the line of the back fence in the moonlight. As I reached it, my hands sought the latch, tearing at the climbers tangled over it. The gate hitched open. I ran…



Alex Kilcannon

Writer, poet, outdoors instructor and Mother of Teenagers. I rewild kids for a living.