What’s Next for The Local

Illustration by Marley Allen-Ash

Dear Readers,

First off, thanks for reading The Local.

Since we launched almost two years ago, The Local has been incubated out of OpenLab, a design and innovation studio at the University Health Network, and generously funded by the Toronto Central LHIN. We’ve published probing features and moving videos from across the city, worked with some of Toronto’s best writers and photographers, and even picked up a few prizes at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards, with Jesse Winter winning for Best Photo Journalism and Eternity Martis taking home gold for Best Investigative Article.

The Local team at the 2018 COPA Awards.

In 2019, we’re excited to announce that The Local is moving out of the nest and becoming a fully independent publication with new funders. We’ll also be changing our publication schedule. Instead of putting out one feature every two weeks, we’ll be publishing quarterly issues, each one focused around a theme that will dive deeper into some of the complex, vital stories in this city.

We’ll be in hibernation mode for the next few months, but look for some exciting announcements soon and a relaunch in the spring of 2019. For now, thanks for reading and we look forward to introducing you to the new Local!

— The Editors

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