POPGRID Initiative

Spatially accurate and up-to-date population and settlement data are widely used in planning and decision making in both the public and private sectors to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of decisions, monitor impacts, and identify those who might otherwise be left behind. Understanding where people live and work, and the type and condition of their housing and other infrastructure, is critical in times of disaster, enabling emergency responders to reach those most in need more quickly with appropriate assistance. Such data can help improve access to public and private services, increase the sustainability of natural resources, and facilitate progress towards meeting the internationally accepted Sustainable Development Goals.

The POPGRID Data Collaborative aims to bring together and expand the international community of data providers, users, and sponsors concerned with georeferenced data on population, human settlements and infrastructure. Currently hosted by CIESIN at Columbia University, POPGRID promotes cooperation in producing and harmonizing high quality data products and services needed by a range of scientific and applied users. It seek to improve data access, timeliness, consistency, and utility; support data use and interpretation; identify and address pressing user needs; reduce duplication and user confusion; and encourage innovation and cross-disciplinary use. POPGRID brings expertise and perspectives from diverse natural, social, health, and engineering science disciplines and sectors, and from government, academia, private industry, and nongovernmental organizations. SDSN is supporting CIESIN and the long list of partner organizations to make POPGRID a dynamic and coordinated community.



Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes the world’s top scientists and technical experts on key challenges of sustainable development.