#Blizzcon Opening Ceremony

Mav 🍓
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2017

Hey Guys! It’s that time of year again! AND I AM SO PUMPED. YES. It’s happening. @blizzard_ent has brought #Blizzcon2017 with a new convention BUILDING and LOTS of new updates, events and esport spectactes, ASWELL as some fantastic panels to dive deeper into some of these games.

For now I have put together MY picks from the Keynotes & Blizzcon opening and the things that I found exciting and amazing to know about!

There is obviously WAY MORE content and information regarding all topics posted. They can be found at their respected internet locations. BUT FOR NOW.

Here are MY bullet points! ENJOY!

-Intel working with Blizzcon Esports
-Starcraft 2 free to play now!
-Being positive in gaming & make change

“Mastering his skills as a bowman and an assassin, Brother to Genji”
“the Life-Binder, former Aspect of the red dragonflight, is the guardian of all life in the world of Azeroth.”

Heroes of the storm- updates and additons
new cinematic! Hanzo alexstrasza,

@playhearthstone new stage is GORGEOUS

-new hero and card for free limited time

-golden copy for virtual ticket

-first legendary weapon all 9 classes

  • single player mode “The Dungeon Run” shuffle up 8 card boss deck. Auto deck , and you increase power over time

-Also @bdbrode the director also did a fun reveal of the new mode and it was SUPER COOL

New Expansion soon!


New Map early 2018 — Hybrid (Part assault/Part payload)



one more announcement on the Overwatch panel!

Plus an new video for Moira at the panel at Blizzcon.

“Need to do it in a blizzard quality way”

World of Warcraft and Blizzard presents designated CLASSIC WARCRAFT SERVERS. YES. OMG.

Plus a new plushie. You guys know how Blizzard does charity too.

New Expansion: FINALLLY the battle for Azeroth!

Darnassus Burning Tree

-New Continent (Expansion lore on zandalari history. Possible Nelf/Troll things?)

-Neutral and continental fights

Anduin from the cinematic

The WoW Cinematic closed out the Intro Show.


I’ll be watching and staying tuned in if you like these quick blurbs on new content and my personal snipets please make sure to leave a clap!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thumbs up and share the thread!

Thanks so much guys!

Sincerely, Mav



Mav 🍓

that modern streamer mom life & dad jokes baby due april 1st 🍼 🦋 partners @twitch @asusrog Linktr.ee/THEMAVSHOW