E-commerce refund form components built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite

Szőgyényi Zoltán
Themesberg Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024

Hey developers!

In this article I want to show you a collection of refund form components coded with Tailwind CSS based on the Flowbite UI library that you can use in your e-commerce projects to receive refund requests and collect as much information as you can.

E-commerce is an important part of the internet and it has been an area in web development that has been expanding quite a lot with frameworks, CMS systems and the need for UI components has been growing.

All of these components are coded only with Tailwind CSS components and we used the Flowbite UI Library as the baseline for these examples and the icons from the Flowbite Icons collection.

Let’s get started!

Product refund selection form

Use this component to select one or multiple products that you’ve ordered for a refund request and follow the next steps from the stepper form.

Refund reason selection

This example can be used to collect data for the reasoning of the refund which is a necessary step in the request of the returning of a product.

Refund shipment method

This example can be used to provide shipping methods for the returning of the product based on the refund requested by the client.

Refund payment options

Use this example to show multiple payment options using checkbox elements for the user to choose from the refund request form.

Refund request success

This example can be used to show the final step of the refund request process by showing a success message and a CTA button that links to the status page.

Credits and conclusion

These components could not have been created without the usage of the following open-source frameworks, libraries, and collections:

