The Modernist Society Returns!

After a ten year hiatus, The Modernist Society returns in podcast form.

Jason Mojica
The Modernist
1 min readAug 15, 2019


The Modernist Society began in 2003 as a DJ night in Chicago, became a debaucherous salon in DC, and comes to you now as a podcast wherever you happen to be. Each month, hosts Jason Mojica and Eric Ottens bring you intimate conversations with practitioners of the high and low arts, replete with all of the esoteric digression you’ve come to expect from the medium.

Jake Adelstein on The Modernist Society, 2019

In the first episode, Jason and Eric talk journalism, the yakuza, and international living with investigative reporter and Tokyo Vice author, Jake Adelstein.

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Jason Mojica
The Modernist

Peabody, duPont, and Ellie award-winning maker of things.