What The Modern Testament is About

Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2016

2016 was a terrible year. Whether is was the election, loss of loved ones, or general state of the world, John Oliver summed it up best when he (and many others) said “Fuck You, 2016”

For me, 2016 was getting fired for the first time, coming to the realization that I was a piece of shit person whose arrogance and selfishness put those around me in bad spots, dealing with a failing marriage, coming clean about 7 years of secrets and lies, and my wife’s first-hidden then public alcohol abuse.

Religion was my turning point. Always a casual Christian, I dove deep and found the inspiration to make real, substantial change. That’s not everyone’s driver though, but a simple fact remains: when we are vulnerable and honest with each other, pretensions fall and real connections can be made.

I have shared my testimony with many people and it has fostered much deeper relationships than I ever had before. So that’s what we want to do; connect people together through humility and vulnerability. We’re creating our own platform for it at www.moderntestament.org, but Medium is also a great vehicle to0.

So, we want to publish stories of people being REAL — not just social-media-perfection-real, but really real with their struggles, pains, hopes, and saving graces. Let’s unite for good on the Internet, finally. Let’s connect those who need help to those who can.

Join us.

