The Monero Moon (Issue 14)

John Foss
The Monero Moon
Published in
7 min readApr 13, 2021

The Monero Moon is a curated weekly newsletter regarding all things Monero. The Monero Moon has returned for a short period. Enjoy.

April 13th 2021

Development, Releases, and Technology

u/ErCiccione announced Haveno: The Monero based DEX for trading XMR for fiat and cryptocurrencies. For now it’s only a Proof of Concept and the interface is still Bisq, but the base mechanisms are there and developers can already test XMR/crypto trades. The team are looking for developers and contributors to the project so make sure you reach out to them. More information can be found here.

A potential Haveno logo design by fischdecasio

The number of miners on the Monero network has broken through the 90k barrier which is a new all time high. The Monero network has added about 10k miners in under 3 weeks. Visit and then zoom the page out in your browser to see the number of miners.

The Monero Mining community have expressed concern over the minexmr pool having a large percentage of hashrate. Miners are urging participants to stop mining to minexmr in order to ensure and build a decentralised global network.

CLI & GUI v0.17.2.0 ‘Oxygen Orion’ official Monero wallet has been released. This is the CLI & GUI v0.17.2.0 ‘Oxygen Orion’ minor release. This release predominantly features bug fixes and performance improvements. Users are recommended to upgrade to improve user experience. Links to the updated wallet software, along with other important information can be found here.

Get Cake Wallet APK without Google Play from their Github. You can now download the newest version (4.1.4) of Cake Wallet for Android as an APK. They have added a new link on their website for easy access.

Monero contributor u/benevanoff conducted a Reddit poll asking Which wallet software do you use as your primary Monero wallet? Go vote here while there is time left.

v1docq47 from XMR.RU provided a monthly update to their CCS providing a list of what Monero content has been translated into Russian over the past two months. This includes content such as Monero Outreach articles and Zero to Monero (2nd edition). Check it out here.

Ars Technica published an article titled Windows and Linux devices are under attack by a new cryptomining worm. Research company Juniper claims the worm spreads from one vulnerable device to another without requiring any user action, and includes a cryptominer that uses infected devices to mine Monero.

Howard Chu, one of the core developers of Monero’s proof of work algorithm RandomX, featured on the Crypto Vigilante YouTube channel to discuss Monero’s internal makeup.

Monero’s Internal Makeup with Howard Chu

u/Wataru_Watanabe shared a graphic displaying Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin) discussing privacy features that got implemented in Monero but not Bitcoin.

General News

Justin Ehrenhofer pointed out that: “For March 2021, there were 78 times as many Monero transactions as Zcash fully shielded and Dash PrivateSend transactions COMBINED. The INCREASE in Monero’s transactions from February to March exceeds the number of fully shielded transactions in Zcash’s entire history.” Check out this tweet for further details.

Private messaging app Signal is developing in app payments for its UK users. Signal is utilising a new cryptocurrency called MobileCoin that takes the basic building blocks of Monero (RingCT, Bulletproofs, subaddresses, etc) and implements them in Rust. However, many within the crypto community have highlighted issues such as 100% of the MobileCoin being premined and created in 16 outputs that can be distributed however the initial founders like. Many claimed this to be a cash grab by Signal. Other issues pointed out Signal’s founder Moxie Marlinspike’s being CTO of Mobilecoin, and the fact Mobilecoin is not censorship resistant as it is blocked in some countries and supports currency controls.

“Signal sold out their user base by creating and marketing a cryptocurrency based solely on their ability to sell the future tokens to a captive audience,” — Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corallo, who also used to contribute to Signal’s open-source software.

Check out this twitter thread by Seth Simmons, this Reddit post by Justin Ehrenhofer, or this Coindesk article for more details.

Signal/Mobilecoin thread by Seth Simmons

Naomi Wu 机械妖姬 aka @realsexycyborg, China’s #1 Tech & DIY YouTuber, recently expressed preference for payment in Monero.

Naomi Wu discussing Monero as a preferred payment method.

Go check out the Russian Monero Community YouTube channel for weekly news updates.

Еженедельный выпуск новостей из мира Monero #111​ (30.03.2021–05.04.2021)

MONEROTOPIA! EPISODE #11 recently aired on YouTube. Watch the show on the Monero Talk YouTube channel.

In case you missed it last year, go watch Monero: Sound Money, Safe Mode. It is a post-pandemic update of the Monero Means Money lecture/documentary, where Dr. Daniel Kim provides a comprehensive overview of Monero and Bitcoin within the larger context of gold and fiat currency in the 2020 financial crisis.

Alex, the co-founder of peer to peer trading platforms LocalMonero and AgoraDesk, recently held an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the r/cryptocurrency subreddit.

.The printed version of the book Why Cryptocurrencies? is finally nearing release. The book discusses cryptocurrency in general and in a sense may lead readers to gain a better understanding of the utility and importance of Monero. Pre-order or read it for free here.

Exchanges and Merchants

Want to buy or sell something using XMR as the medium of exchange? Keep an eye out for the new weekly Friday Monero Market Thread on r/Monero.

u/Criminales78 warned others not to use XMR.IS as they appear to have exit scammed. The website is now down however this should be a reminder to exercise caution when using new or anonymous exchange services.

Forum Funding and Proposals

Work is already underway to include Triptych into Monero’s codebase, but Monero Research Lab developer Sarang Noether wants to investigate several optimizations to Triptych that could make transactions more efficient. Check out the proposal here.

Trading & Speculation

Learn about how Monero’s Stock to Flow (S2F) is calculated thanks to john_r365. The post on looks at what stock to flow is, why it’s important, and what Monero’s stock to flow is compared to Gold and Bitcoin. Check it out here.

AnnoyedShiba shared an idea on TradingView exploring the correlations between the 2017 Bitcoin market cycle and the current Monero market cycle.

Popular cryptocurrency trader @TylerDurden shared a tweet with an unlabelled cryptocurrency chart saying “Very nice crypto chart. Should be an easy 2x up to last years high”. The chart is the XMR/BTC pair.


Total Monero in Circulation — 17,885,716 XMR

Monero Total Marketcap — $5,623,792,669 USD (last week $4,996,072,635 USD)

Monero Coinmarketcap Ranking — #24 (last week #27)

XMR/USD Price — $315 USD (last week $279 USD)

XMR/USD pair on Kraken

XMR/BTC Price — 0.00503 BTC (last week 0.00479 BTC)

XMR/BTC pair on Binance Street Price — $372 USD (last week $321 USD)

Average Transaction Fee — 0.000023 XMR ($0.0073 USD)

Hashrate — 2.296 Ghash/s (last week 2.182 Ghash/s)

Monero Mining Pools Hashrate Distribution



If you like the newsletter and want more of this content, then shout me a round of beers by donating some spare Monero you didn’t lose during your boating accident.


Scan the QR Code to donate XMR to The Monero Moon

Support Monero

Want to help contribute to the Monero Project? Developers, marketers, event coordinators, translators, Instagram personalities, meme creators, public speakers — whatever your skills may be, it is extremely likely there is something you can do to assist. I urge you to reach out to the Monero community on Reddit, IRC, GitHub, Twitter, or Telegram.

Past Issues

Past issues can be found here: Issue 13 / Issue 12 / Issue 11 / Issue 10 / Issue 9 / Issue 8 / Issue 7 / Issue 6 / Issue 5 / Issue 4 / Issue 3 / Issue 2 / Issue 1

If you have any suggestions, corrections, or feedback, please contact me on Twitter @johnfoss69 or on Reddit u/johnfoss68.



DISCLAIMER: This publication contains opinion for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Information may contain errors and omissions. Use solely at your own risk. The author of this publication and/or the authors of articles linked to from this site may have financial investments that may bias their opinions, including ownership of Monero currency. Always do your own research, form your own opinions, and never take risks with money or trust third parties with out verifying their credibility.

