TheMoneyEducation Submissions

Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2021

Welcome to the TME medium page

We are very happy that you are interested in writing for TME here on Medium in order to spread money advice, quote analysis and other relevant information to others on the platform.

The TME brand is rapidly growing and we are happy to accept writers on the platform who wish to grow with us.

Have a look at the guidelines:

Topics we accept:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Startup ideas or existing analysis
  • Investing
  • Saving
  • Innovation
  • Saving
  • Marketing
  • Social Media Growth/Monetisation
  • Personal Growth
  • Productivity
  • Money Advice
  • Writing Advice

If your topic doesn’t cover any of these feel free to message us on Instagram we will try come back to you as soon as possible.

General rules to follow

  • We only accept unpublished drafts
  • Once published the work remains in the publication, writers who delete their work will be removed.
  • We are all human and make mistakes, please proofread before submission and use software such as Grammarly (click the link) in order to improve your work and make the editors work easier.
  • Writers who are found to plagiarise will be removed. No warnings will be issued, immediate ban.
  • All submissions must comply with Mediums Rules and Ad-Free Policy
  • Stories that are part of the Partners Program must comply with Mediums’ Content Guidelines and Curation GuideLines


If you feel so inclined to add a reference to the original source of your information it will make the article more credible. However, we do not require references

Image Use

The images you use in your articles must be Copywrite free as no one here wants a lawsuit on their hands. In the caption of the image please state what it represents and then using the link function link the image to the original source. Feel free to use TME posts from FB or IG in your articles as long as someone hasn't recently used it for their own article.


This is a great tool for splitting up large articles into more legible sections, we insist you use them in your articles especially anything longer than 800 words.


Once we receive your draft it will be edited, this process usually takes between 24 and 48 hours and then be published within the next few days.

If the article is of poor quality or just plain wrong it will be edited with some notes for adjustment or completely rejected, the editor has ultimate control over that decision.

Requesting to become a TME writer

Please send an email to with your Medium URL link to your profile, Medium ID, as well as an unsubmitted draft that you wish to publish to our publication. Expect a response in one to five days to confirm if you have been accepted or not.





Unearthing the past, i weave captivating historical narratives