The Frontier

Francis Jan Ax L. Valerio

The Monocle
2 min readMay 14, 2019


Embracing Our Own Identity

They say the time we learn to embrace diversity and accept our differences starts when we love and practice our own.

The Filipino culture is very diverse as it comprises different traditions, religions, and practices. But despite its variety, we are always taught to love our own culture first and respect the rest.

Filipinos highly practice the respect for elderly. Children were taught to always say “po” and “opo” and also use “ate” or “kuya” when referring to those who are older than them.

Filipinos are also raised to value hospitality. We have accustomed ourselves in lending a hand to those who are in need and provide help even to those who are not asking for it. However, as time passes by, the culture that our ancestors preserved and developed began to be forgotten.

Young Filipinos tends to forget the value of respect when it comes to other cultures that they don’t practice and are new to them. They are living in the age of judgment where they judge a certain culture that they find funny or worst, use it against the people who practice it.

We were often taught to put ourselves first; but through time, we tend to miss on something. We became self-centered to the point that we think of our practices as the superior ones as we disrespect what others have. People nowadays do not know how to embrace the diverse culture of our country especially those of indigenous people’s practices. We should go back to what our ancestors taught us. For the moment that we learn to embrace diversity while accepting and respecting our individuality is the time that we practice valuing our own — the love for Filipino culture.

