The Most Popular Unknown Story: Page 03

Albert TJ Moses
5 min readSep 8, 2017

The light was coming from his bodua, illuminating the path as they literally followed his every step. Their walk was long, taking them to a place where the trees gave way for sunlight to penetrate the forest canopy.

Just there, they saw an antelope with a broken limb. Immediately, they felt their stomachs rumbling and their senses for roasted meat heightened. They had to eat that instant and so they pounced onto the helpless animal and slaughtered it for their feast. Bellies full, they laid there and fell asleep.

After a deep long sleep that was induced by sheer exhaustion, they woke up and continued their journey. They walked through several patches of light-filled and darkness-engulfed forest with his bodua providing light each time they journeyed through a dark patch. They walked for so long until their feet could carry them no further.

And there it stood staring at them, barely two feet away as though it had been trapped by an unseen force. It was a deer whose sighting caused a sudden hunger to consume them and immediately, the deer became a meal. They ate till they could no more after which sleep overtook them.

Then a bright light hit their eyes forcing them awake and it was then that they realized what was happening.

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Growing up, while other kids played pilolo, they were submerged in intense fistfight training, wrestling, and survival tactics to become members of an elite group of warriors whose sole mission was to protect the kingdom.

Up until this point, they had always trained together and had each others back. The final training was one of survival which was used for automatic selection into the elite group. It was a race where each man was for himself.

Blindfolded, they were taken to the edge of the kingdom and tied to several trees miles apart with nothing but a quill in each persons mouth. It was sufficient to free ones self with and use as a tool and weapon on the journey back.

They had up until the next day’s sunset to return and if by chance one came across another, it was totally forbidden to lend any form of assistance.

The trick was getting the quill into ones hand. With their nimble abilities, some managed to cut themselves free and began the run back early. Others took long in freeing themselves and would be rejected for being late while a number were left tied and would be captured by enemies or become food for wild animals.

Simply being the fastest runner was not sufficient. If anyone ran in the wrong direction, then the gods did not favor them as they would end up in enemy territory. Those who had assisted others and themselves been assisted would not find their path back as the gods would lead them astray. Only those with true Asante hearts would get the blessings of the gods and find their way back.

Oduro, Danso and Yaw were among those who managed to not only return, but return in time for the induction.

Kneeling in front of the gods at the shrine of the chief priest, they felt an overwhelming sense of joy and pride. They had made it through all the rigorous training and overcome all challenges thrown them. Tonight, they’d become part of this elite group.

The connection was established from the moment each person had one put into their mouths. This small sharp object was what freed them and kept them alive, bringing them to this moment. Looking at the power in their hands, their quills will forever be their most cherished possession and would be passed down their generations.

The chief priest held the pot as they each cut their palms with their quills and spilled blood into the pot. They tied their quills around their necks as the chief priest presented their blood to the gods. The pot was placed on fire with the priest mumbling godly words. As the blood in the pot boiled, the priest ordered them to rise as Porcupine Warriors.

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The bright light was coming from the sky. It was sunlight and the trees had allowed it penetrate the forest canopy. Only the trees hadn’t really allowed the sunlight penetrate, for it was morning.

They realized they had been walking for days and nights and had been fed by their hosts; the dwarfs. Doubt overtook their minds and they wondered where he was leading them to. Suddenly, the trees looked familiar. They must have been here before. Did he even know where he was going?

Though the forest frightened them with sounds and they had seen strange things, they still feared and respected him and so no one questioned him.

The quest to find the lake had taken them through this forest of growling, shrieks and death sounds and it was ok. But not this duration, this is not what they volunteered for. They resented the quest and thought often of home and the families they had left behind. Was everything fine back home? Were they missed or missing and if so, was anyone searching for them? They talked among themselves but still none mustered the courage to approach him on the matter.

The tired and frustrated looks on their faces turned grim when the forest ended. They had reached the end of the forest but the mountain up ahead looked more menacing.

He sat them down at the edge of the mountain and said to them “I know this journey hasn’t been easy but remember this, we will create our future. Asanteman rests on our shoulders and we shall not give up”. After psyching them, they began their ascent of the mountain.

Climbing wasn’t easy, the mountain was very steep and they had to be careful not to slip to their death. Steadily they climbed for days until they got to the top. Then it was a long walk on the top for days and they were attacked by some of nature’s most damning elements. Cold rain warmed their bodies with a longing for Ohemaa as hot air cooled their conversations with blistered lips.

The journey wasn’t easy and the mountain made it even worse. After eighteen moons of walking in search of a lake, they got to the end of the mountain but what was glaring up ahead broke their spirits. It was another mountain.



Albert TJ Moses

Writer/Earthian. You are only truly yourself when you find and engage in that which makes you wake from bed with a smile. Perhaps, that could be what love is??