10 Tips for Video Ad Success

Candida Vivalda
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2017

Between opportunities on social media channels and evolving ad formats, there has never been a better time to get your company or products in front of millions of eyes primed for your marketing messages. Now more than ever, businesses have a larger toolbox to tap into when it comes to advertising strategies. 2016 was dubbed the ‘Year of Video’ and video ads show no sign of slowing down in 2017 as more and more companies discover that video ads deliver unparalleled results.

A study from Google looked at 56 brands within six different industries and across eight European countries and found that online videos featured on YouTube delivered 50% higher ROI than TV advertising. And, e-commerce brands, in particular, have had stellar success with video advertising campaigns on social media channels and retargeting platforms. According to our data, we’ve seen brands achieve 15X their return on investment (ROI) and reduce cost-per-acquisition figures by up to 50% with very little effort.

We know that it can be daunting to try out new advertising tactics like video but companies that don’t include innovative marketing strategies into their plans can quickly find themselves left behind. But, we’re here to help, so that doesn’t happen to your business. Check out our list of the top 10 tips for those just getting started with video marketing.

10 Best Practices for Creating Effective Video Ads

1. Make sure that every video ad includes not only great visuals but also text that compliments and sells the product including your brand name, the product name, the price, sale dates, etc. And, always include a strong call to action (CTA) to encourage the viewer to take action.

2. Many platforms automatically play videos with sound so including audio is a must. Adding background music is a great way to compliment the content of the ad and make it more memorable.

3. The first 3 seconds of the video are crucial so make them count. The video intro should be exciting and engaging, so viewers stay tuned for the rest of the ad.

4. Test, test, and test again. Always A/B test different versions of your video to see which ones your customers respond to best and then optimize from there.

5. Try running your video ads on different platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Youtube and Instagram and give different formats a chance like the new video ads in Instagram Stories or Facebook Carousel Ads.

6. Use video ads throughout the entire sales funnel and customer journey. Not only can video ads drive brand awareness, but they can be used for performance too including acquiring new customers, increasing sales and retarget customers for additional purchases or upselling opportunities.

7. Since we now live in a mobile-first world, create video ads in a vertical format, so viewers have an easier time consuming the content.

8. Take full advantage of the advanced targeting capabilities offered on every platform. You can create campaigns and audiences using options ranging from typical demographics to offline behaviors.

9. When you have the option to include post text or hashtags, make sure to include compelling copy that excites the viewer. This is just as important as the video itself as some of your viewers will be encouraged to watch your ad based on post text.

10. Longer is not better. Studies show that video ads which are approximately 15 seconds are long enough to increase brand recall and the most effective length to increase purchase intent.

Today’s tech solutions can help businesses incorporate video ads into their marketing strategies simply. Solutions like TheMotion use APIs and product feeds to produce high-quality video ads at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional studio and ads are generated in a matter of minutes or hours rather than days or weeks meaning businesses don’t lose valuable time.

Are you ready to dive into all that video advertising has to offer? Let us show you how easy it can be with a quick demo!



Candida Vivalda

Marketing manager, Yoga teacher. Exploring mindful working and sustainable living.