Video Advertising in Facebook: Why Brands Should Care

Candida Vivalda
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Video advertising is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal and not incorporating this format into your overall advertising strategy is a big mistake. Video ads have a unique way of communicating, one that has been proven to be much more effective than blog posts and other types of written content. Study after study has shown that consumers who have a positive viewing experience are more likely to purchase a product featured in that ad.

With banner blindness rendering this format virtually useless, and so many static ad campaigns being placed in front of users every day, brands that want to increase conversions and sales need to stand out.

Fortunately, video ads offer a great opportunity to do just that. Video ads on Facebook alone have a CTR 4 times higher than static ads, making Facebook an ideal platform for reaching your audience. With 82% of marketers reporting that using video elements have had a positive impact on their business, isn’t it time you start incorporating video ads into your campaigns?

Check out this infographic we’ve put together with some stats that are sure to convince you that video ads need to be included in your business’s overall strategy.

Ready to see how TheMotion’s cutting-edge technology can help your brand create hundreds of dynamic video ads automatically and in minutes? Schedule a free demo today!



Candida Vivalda

Marketing manager, Yoga teacher. Exploring mindful working and sustainable living.