4 Best Ways To Use Medium

And it’s got nothing to do with MPP

The Accidental Monster
Published in
6 min readJul 7, 2022


Image by geralt on Pixabay

At some point, I plan on diving into a bunch of different ways to make money with writing (I’m curious, too, aren’t you?) and sharing that here. But, this article isn’t about making money- it’s about using Medium.

And no, those aren’t the same thing.

I know this might fly in the face of all those “do this and make money on Medium” stories, but Medium isn’t the cash cow you’re looking for.

It’s better than that.

Hear me out, though. There are four major ways to use Medium to its maximum potential — and which one works for you depends on what you have to offer.

(There’s an option here, even if you don’t think you have anything to offer!)

#1: Build A Company

I remember hearing somewhere that you should always put your best information in the front of a book or article, not in the back. And this path is arguably the loftiest of them all—entrepreneurs, eat your heart out!

Medium has everything a business could want—people willing to read and engage, almost no actual cost (potential gains from advertising), and the potential for targeted leads.

And if you’re leaving your hook articles for free, Medium’s articles rank pretty high on Google. So tweak the SEO and you’ve got one hell of an opportunity!

How It Works

Obviously, you’ve got to have a product or service to offer. Then, you write articles/stories to grab people.

These stories can be about your business or the employees, about the product or your industry in general, or even just fluff about you as the owner (small biz stuff is inspiring like that)!

Take, for example, Viston Tea 🍵

Their stories are often about ways to enjoy tea — as a reader, you could easily appreciate the stories separated from their product. However, the more you read, the more likely you are to wonder what their teas are like.

Or Spiritual Entrepreneurs

They are clearly dedicated to the niche of spiritually-aligned businesses (even more specifically, they only offer their services to the UK). However, their articles apply helpful information for any business, with a comforting spiritual perspective!

The idea is to provide value to people, and build trust with a community of people interested in learning about what your company’s passions are!

Not everyone that reads will turn into a customer, but that’s how business is everywhere. At least on Medium, you get a platform for free, an amazing community, and maybe a bit of side cash (if you sign up for MPP).

#2: Be An Influencer

I think a lot of people on Medium are hoping for this one. It’s not impossible, but trust me when I say: Medium won’t be enough.

Influencers usually have some specific genre or subject they are passionate about. Something they can eat, sleep, and breathe for the first year to really make their mark on the social world.

What I mean by that is, influencers are typically multi-platform.

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube — or, if you’re really hip, TikTok, Discord, or Snapchat.

Not all of them. God, no. But at least two.

The reason is that influencers need a large audience, and Medium only has (at its max) just under 1 million members.

BUT, it’s a great place to start.

How It Works

Since monetization happens much easier here than on the other platforms, it’s a great way to dip your toes in the social waters. The process of gaining followers here will translate into subs elsewhere, so the experience itself is invaluable.

AND everything on those other creation sites, like YouTube or Instagram, can be used in an article here.

A few examples are Zulie Rane, Shelby Church, and Jenn Leach. You can see from their stories page they are interweaving both journeys, and building that influencer dream!

I’m not sure if those people are using affiliate marketing, merchandising, or creator sites like Patreon or SubscribeStar, but those are definitely options as well.

(Note: There’s also a not-so-underground erotica community here with some that count toward influencers as well! Though they’re a bit less… mainstream.)

#3: Network For Your Freelancing Career

This one is also quite popular — the “be your own boss” crowd.

Since covid hit, a lot of people have thrust themselves into freelancing in various ways. Maybe they do editing or copywriting, or just got to business writing books to publish on Amazon (or other places). I consider all of those “freelancing,” since you’re doing it all yourself.

Some freelancing paths are harder than others, though.

How It Works

For typical service-centered freelancers, you’ll probably have a LinkedIn account — that’s where all the business really happens (or so I’m told).

You write here about your life, about your services maybe — it’s a little like the company focus mixed with influencer focus. The rules are a lot less rigid for freelancers, since they’re rogue in a way.

I mean, that’s the whole point of freelancing, right?

There’s Cameron Thomson, who writes about writing with a gentle nod at his editing services at the end. His whole vibe just feels… relaxed. Calm. Like if I ever needed his services, he’d be cool and collected through the whole ordeal.

Great marketing, if you ask me!

And Tracy Cooper-Posey, who also writes about writing but with a no-nonsense approach that kindly takes your hand and splashes a bit of reality in your face before looking you in the eye and saying, “you can do this.”

She unapologetically includes a short hook to her website — which is technically more a company thing — but all her stories come from her experiences publishing books.

Tracy is a great example of how any one of these paths can lead to another!

#4: You Already Do This One

Assuming you’re not firmly planted in the top three, then you’re already doing #4: Write as a hobby, get a little side cash along the way.

Medium is a fantastic motivational tool. It provides so much dopamine to keep you going, if you know how to milk it for all it’s got! Whatever your end goal (and even if you don’t have one yet), Medium is a road to get there.

How It Works

You do what you’re doing! Woot! Write the way you want to write, when you want to write, and take notes along the way to improve where you want to, when you can.

Of course, there’s a secret everyone needs to know to make the most of it.

Well, I guess there are some extremely patient people that don’t mind waiting months or years to build an audience to get that sweet, sweet dopamine. But… I don’t know a lot of people like that. Do you?

Most of us want that dopamine fix to be dependable, frequent, and increasing at some rate (noticeably, at least).

And for that, you need followers.

It’s Not The Money???

Ok, so I’d be lying if I said the money didn’t help. It does. But it’s not where the gold is at.

See, most of us are going to make peanuts on Medium. That’s just the way it is. But Medium’s true gift isn’t in its MPP earnings; it’s in the community they’ve lovingly curated here!

There’s something different about Medium than with regular social media platforms. I know you feel it.

And if you haven’t, then it’s probably because you haven’t had much engagement at all. Because when people engage — even when they disagree — there’s a kinship. A kindness. A reasonability in the discourse.

People are listening here. They genuinely hear what you have to say.

So, if you’re struggling to gain that first 100, or are in MPP but aren’t feeling very engaged and supported yet, I strongly suggest checking out my Follower To Follower series.

You don’t have to use f4f to use F2F. (Edit: in fact, you may want to use “follow-up” instead!) Think of it like a database of people that are highly likely to be active on Medium. Check it out and read, clap, comment, and engage as you feel comfortable!

Even if you aren’t a member, commenting on other non-member’s free stories will help you build an interactive community together.

In essence, you’ll lift each other up!

The more people you know, the more you’ll grow and the easier it gets to keep going. Before you know it, you’ll find your path along the way!

Until next time, follow each other, follow the dopamine, and follow yourself, always!

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The Accidental Monster

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. On Medium since 2022. www.TheMonsterAlley.com