An unfortunate purchase…

I’m a simple girl. I see a pair of pink Converse for 5.50€ (6$) and I want them. Maybe I should’ve thought twice.

Nadīna's Notebook
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2023


the pink Converse in question.

Let me clear a few things up. I am by no means an impulsive buyer. In fact, I don’t remember the last time I went shopping for clothes. I am happy with the ones I have, and I only ever thrift/ buy second-hand when I really need to.

But with spring coming, I wanted a cute pop of colour in my wardrobe. I really wanted red Converse, but when I saw these pink Converse on Andele Mandele (basically Latvian Depop), I thought they were even better.

I was surprised they were so cheap, but I assumed it was because they were fake. I mean, the listing saying “replica” told me enough.

I didn’t mind, because they were second-hand. And I couldn’t pass this up: my size and even better than what I was looking for? Sold.

As I waited for my package, I went to the store and bought pink laces. Because there’s never enough pink in the world.

They finally came, and I immediately swapped the laces and took the shoes out for a spin. I felt like a million bucks.

However, after a 30-minute walk, my feet started to hurt a bit. But this almost always happens after a new pair of shoes. So I brushed it off.

The next time I wore them, I couldn’t ignore the pain. And the weirdest part was, only my left foot hurt. I wondered if I tied the laces too tight on that foot. I was limping by the time I got home.

I complained to my mom about it. We looked at them and realized: one shoe was smaller than the other.

they both show the same size on the tag…

It was a sad day. I messaged the seller, and she was just as surprised as I was. I am grieving my cute spring/ summer look, but at least I had something to write a blog about.

Nadīna, signing off.



Nadīna's Notebook

Curious 21-year-old figuring life out. I love thrill-seeking. I write about women's history, movies, mental health & self-actualization. This is my outlet!