Embracing Life’s Matrix: Confronting and Conquering Stop Pointer problems.

shiri 🌼
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

It’s the start of the year, filled with plans and a to-do list. What’s my next move? The list goes on.

I somehow lost myself in this busy world. I, like any other person, had tasks to complete, but out of the blue, due to family emergencies and personal commitments, everything went awry.

The ‘stop-pointer problem’ has emerged in life, causing a pause to all plans and daily routines. No zeal is left inside to do any kind of work, and the days just go by.

As days pass, the stop-pointer problem becomes somehow better or more manageable. You then realize the power it had, influencing your routine.

The fact is, we don’t know when the stop-pointer problem will arise or when it’s heading towards us. Still, we always know how to respond to it. It is the choice we make — the cumulative yes’s and no’s shaping whether we resolve the problem or let it expand.

When circling back to your daily routine, you miss the person you were before the hindrance. In the thirst for relaxation, unhealthy eating habits develop, meals get skipped, and reliance on social media escalates. Screen time exceeds like never before. In the guilty trip of not doing anything useful or intentional, we fall off very hard.

How do I get back on track?

Every problem eventually ends or is made peace with. Give it time, more than usual if needed, as time heals everything.

1. I try not to escape from the matrix bracket.

Metaphorically, the term ‘matrix’ could be interpreted as a system or structure, and ‘bracket’ might imply limitation or enclosure.

It is a way to suggest embracing or accepting the constraints of a particular system or framework. This might imply acknowledging the limitations but finding value or meaning within those boundaries. I don’t shy away from problems; instead, I take responsibility and figure out a way out of those limitations. I run towards solving problems rather than escaping the “matrix bracket.”

2. Show Up:

Yeah, simply put, just show up every day, no matter what. Often, it’s observed that those skilled in coding are likely to not excel in sports. (Everyone is not good in all fields).The point is, people improve at things by doing them consistently over time.

Everyday activities may seem ordinary, but everyone has something they prefer to invest time in. By showing up every day for a task, individuals eventually master that skill.

Take a moment to write down two things that uplift you, contribute to your learning, and help you improve:

a) Reading: Personally, I’ve recently developed the habit of reading. Even during the stop-pointer problem period, I managed to show up and read at least one paragraph and, on some days, a full chapter.

b) Taking a Shower: It might seem mundane, but for me, taking a shower is a daily task. Regardless of a bad day, I make an effort to do it regularly, usually in the mornings. It provides relaxation and boosts my mood.

Take a moment to identify an area you want to be consistent in. Even if the task requires effort, ensure you enjoy the process, setting low bars and keeping it simple.

3. Move Your Body:

Many problems, more than 60%, reside in our heads. We carry a heavy burden in our minds and hearts constantly. We often fear events and scenarios that exist in our thoughts, yet when they actually occur, the fear is often less intense.

Moving your body helps calm your muscles and promotes blood flow:

a)Full-Body Movement Exercise: Dedicate 20 minutes to a full-body movement exercise. You can find numerous videos online guiding you on how to move your body fully. Within the 24 hours, allocating this short time early mornings is worth every second.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

b) Nature Walk: Opt for a walk, preferably in nature. Walking is an involuntary activity; your body moves naturally. Your feet just go step after step. You’ll feel relaxed, breathe in fresh air, and experience an energy boost.

Final thoughts:

In the unpredictable maze of life, the stop pointer problem can emerge unexpectedly — be it through illness, job loss, strained relationships, breakups, or a decline in mental peace. Its arrival is often stealthy, catching us unaware.

Yet, amidst this uncertainty, there’s a comforting realization. Each time we successfully navigate a stop pointer problem, there is a profound sense of contentment. It’s an innate human quality — the ability to solve problems and find resolutions. This, in essence, is a fundamental aspect of our evolutionary journey.

Whether facing setbacks or navigating through life’s complexities, the human spirit finds fulfillment in overcoming challenges. It’s not just about resolving issues; it’s about the satisfaction derived from the process. This inherent drive to solve problems is intricately woven into the fabric of human evolution.

So, when confronted with a stop pointer problem, remember that the journey of finding solutions is not merely a means to an end but a profound source of joy and accomplishment. As we evolve, it’s through the triumph over challenges that we carve the path to contentment and growth.

Recognize mistakes and be intentional; focus on doing, show up.

Are your stop pointer problems manageable? We will figure it out.

Thank you.

Visit home: https://medium.com/@salandri.shiri



shiri 🌼

I write the permutations and combinations of alphabet. I write a piece of poetry, love, life, and Engineering.