Everything a Good Girl ‘Should’

A Reflection on the Emotions of Changing Direction

Katy-Rose, MSc, BSc, PWP
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Photo by Martin Joos on Unsplash

‘I never thought I’d end up here.’

I read those words in this piece and instantly sighed, hesitating before scrolling to the rest of the article.

I truly did never think I would end up in this place. Couldn’t even fathom it, in fact.

I’m one of those people you’ve probably read about who seems “unrealistic.” I never skipped a day of school, never faked an illness, never smoked or tried any form of illegal drugs, never shoplifted.

I’ve done everything a ‘good girl’ should.

I played by the rules. I went to college, then university. I saw things in the relationships around me and very clearly set intentions of what I wanted in my own. I focused on careers helping people. I came home and cared for the household. I put myself last. I told myself I was fine.

As Glennon Doyle says, “We will ‘fine’ ourselves to death.”

We will “fine” ourselves to death, right? We will starve to death, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually; we will starve to death and say we’re fine. Because that’s what the world tells us to say, to smile and say we’re fine. So, in that moment I thought, “Oh



Katy-Rose, MSc, BSc, PWP

Melding Neuroscience & self-help to teach curious lifelong learners to redefine their resilience, personal growth, and sense of control.