Let’s Explore This Design Thing a Little, I Said to Myself

What are you up to lately? — share in the comments below!

Vritant Kumar
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2022


Source: Spotify Design

Design — Is it just another short-lived fetish of mine?

I don’t know how or when exactly I became interested in design—especially UI/UX design.

I am learning and experimenting with Canva lately. And honestly, sometimes it’s overwhelming while other times equally interesting and fun.

Though my designs are crap now, I think this field is worth exploring.

I was neither the most artistic one in my class nor was I the one with a passion for art and craft. From the very beginning, I tried to dodge Drawing and Art & Craft classes.

From the start, I loved to write only. Until now.

Now I think having the knowledge of design will complement my love for writing. It would also expand my circle of competence.

And more than anything, I don’t want to kill this sudden urge of mine. I want to pursue it. Let’s see how far this goes. Plus, there’s something called a UX writer also, right?

That is just one more benefit of having time by your side (I’m 16) — you can experiment with a million different things and see for yourself what catches your fancy; what makes you happy.

This well may be just another short-lived interest that will eventually (in a week?) fade away. But let’s give it a shot anyway.

Photo by Krisztian Tabori on Unsplash

Let me tell you a story… one day at a time

Why am I telling you all this? Blame Twitter (and me obviously!) for your thoughts like “what the hell am I reading?” while reading this post.

So there is this thing that’s apparently very popular on Twitter — learn/build/practice in public.

Okay, those are three things but not very different from one another. What they essentially mean is that you share your progress with the community. You succeed sometimes. You fail sometimes. But you share everything online.

Apart from building a social proof that you are actually putting in the work, this also motivates you to show up every day.

And I suffer from procrastination and quitting things along the way a lot.

So I think this is the way. Plus, there is a very cool design community on Twitter. Also, this will divert my energy that goes into doom-scrolling Twitter for no reason to doing something meaningful.

Let’s see where this all takes.

let’s keep exploring!

And wait, wait, wait… I have one more thing to share with y’all:

I’ve finally picked up a book that I wanted to read for a looong time: Game of Thrones.

Since I completed watching the first season of Game of Thrones, I knew I am going to read the book this is based on someday. And that someday took a long day in coming.

But better late than never, right? So here we are. I’m already past the 100-page mark but it has more than 800 pages — 816 to be exact. But, so far, I’m loving it and don’t want to put it down anytime soon.

Here’s me tweeting at mid-night because this book is keeping me up:

Tweet embed.

Okay, so I shared what book I’m reading in an article about me trying to get started in the field of design.

I hope that doesn’t bother you :)

So, I think that’s it for this article. See you soon! Until next time, take care! ❤️



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: