Image of National Law University, Delhi (I/C: NLU Delhi)

My Life When I Was Off Medium

A lot has happened; let’s talk about some of them.


Life is weird sometimes, isn’t it? Your obsessions become obsolete, and your new interests fill the void.

For me, one of my earliest obsessions was writing online. The idea of typing things out in the void and for some strangers to read appealed to me.

For the last couple of months, this obsession had become obsolete. But I think it has rekindled again.

The other thing that I was obsessed with was academics. I wanted to study medicine. But as time went on, my urge began to fade away, and I developed an interest in studying law.

And that’s precisely what I did.

A journey to the finest law school in the country

I am a bit late in sharing the good news with y’all; here it is: I am accepted into one of the finest law schools in the country, National Law University, Delhi.

It was my dream college to study in for more than a year when I was preparing for its entrance exams. Preparing for its entrance exams for a year and a half, to be precise.

(I know Dr. Preeti Singh would be happy to know this as she herself is a professor. I have known her for more than a couple of years and she is one of the most wonderful people I’ve interacted here on Medium. Thanks ma’am, you motivated me a lot without even knowing.)

They conduct an entrance exam for admission, selecting only 110 students from all over India. Yours truly is one of them. Forever grateful for the same.

The past two years have been quite tumultuous a journey. I was constantly fighting my inner turmoil as to what stream should I pursue. Most of my friends were going for engineering or medicine. Rather blindly, I’d say.

I knew I didn’t want to pursue my career in either of those fields. And that itself leaves with only a couple of routes that appealed to me. But the challenging part was selecting one of them and having the courage and perseverance to pursue it.

What if I fail?
What if this doesn't work out?
What if it doesn't turn out the way I expected it to be?

Thoughts like that occasionally clouded my mind, and I could see nothing but disappointment in myself.


But retrospectively, I am nothing but grateful for whatever happened. I learnt a lot of things, and I’d not want to change even a single detail of this two-year-long journey.

I have come to the conclusion that whatever happens, happens for the good. You just have to believe in the process, put in sincere efforts, and great things happen.

See you soon :)



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: