Pushing Your Limits: The Key to Developing Self-Confidence

Tips and tricks to overcome fear, build confidence, and reach success by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2023


Photo credit: Vladimir Sukhachev on iStock


A majority of people deem themselves “unsuccessful.” In fact, a whopping 85% of people doubt themselves and their abilities.

These overlap. People who are “unsuccessful” typically have low self-confidence, and vice versa.

The importance of self-confidence in success cannot be understated.

But how does one develop such confidence? The answer lies in choosing one hard thing to do for yourself every day.

Think of it like lifting weights to build muscle. You won’t see results if you only stick to what’s easy.

Developing self-confidence is similar. If you don’t challenge your abilities consistently, you’ll never spark belief in yourself to grow your confidence.

Benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone daily

When you first do one challenging thing every day, you’ll notice a sharp drop in confidence. The unknown territory is scary.

And it is natural to be uncertain at first. This is part of why stepping out of your comfort zone and into your “growth zone” is so effective.

It teaches you to take healthy risks, go beyond what you thought was possible, and face your fears. You will develop a growth mindset: critical in personal growth and developing self-confidence.

Furthermore, it tears down limiting beliefs and insecurities. When you stop thinking and start doing, these negative beliefs have nothing to feed on.

In the absence of these limiting beliefs, confidence has room to thrive.

How to find healthy challenges

So now you know why challenging yourself every day is substantial, but how do you find ways to do this?

As everyone is unique, no method is universal. However, here is an exercise to help you get started:

1. Write down a list of what makes you uncomfortable.

This could include starting conversations, going to the gym, waking up early, or even taking cold showers. Write down everything that comes to mind.

The list you come up with is things outside your comfort zone and in your “growth zone.” These are the activities you will do to build your self-confidence.

2. Write down actionable plans for each item.

Make sure these plans are realistic.

If starting conversations is on your list, don’t plan on starting ten conversations daily because this will diminish your energy quickly. Aim for starting one conversation instead, and you will still push yourself.

And make sure to write down these plans in as much detail as possible. This will come in handy later on.

3. Know your limits.

Be sure you know the difference between your “growth zone” and “red zone.”

  • Your growth zone is the healthy region outside your comfort zone where you build self-confidence.
  • The red zone is when you push yourself to an unhealthy extent, which undermines your self-trust and results in mental breakdowns and burnout. It also has physical manifestations, such as headaches or insomnia.

While getting outside your comfort zone is healthy, overdoing it is not. Know your limits.

Incorporating them into your life

Now that you know what is within range of your growth zone, it is time to incorporate these challenges into your everyday life.

With the conversation example, you could commit to joining a club that suits your hobbies. This way, you have many opportunities to strike up conversations and build connections with like-minded people.

But for goals that aren’t so obvious, what can you do?

Here is a step-by-step process for this:

1. Go back to your plan.

Earlier, you wrote down actionable plans for your challenging goals. This plan should be in vivid detail, which will help you integrate the activity into your life.

Use your plan to help you visualize how you will use this to build your confidence. Get an idea about what you will be doing.

2. Break it down.

You now have a clear idea of what the challenging activity entails, so break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it easier for you to incorporate into your daily routine.

For example, if you want to start five conversations in one day, start with one conversation a day for the next five days instead. This makes your goal more achievable.

3. Schedule it.

Once you have broken down the activity into smaller steps, schedule it into your day. This could be as simple as setting aside 10 minutes every day toward your goal.

Don’t skip this. It is vital to ensure you follow through.

By scheduling it, you commit to prioritizing your personal growth and self-confidence. And you will be more likely to follow through.

4. Hold yourself accountable.

It’s easy to let things slide without any accountability. So, increase your success rate by finding someone or something to hold you accountable.

This could be as simple as using a habit tracker or journaling your daily progress. Or, you could find an accountability partner. Either way, this is an integral step in your process.

Incorporating challenging activities into everyday life is the next step in building self-confidence. By doing this, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals and becoming a more confident version of yourself.


Building self-confidence is a journey that requires commitment, patience, and determination. But you are already one step closer by understanding the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone.

Remember to celebrate your achievements, learn from setbacks, and continuously challenge yourself to reach new heights.

With consistent effort and belief in yourself, you can become a more confident version of yourself and effortlessly achieve your goals.

I’d love to know — what is one activity you will add to your routine to develop self-confidence?




Writer. Student. Lover of life. | Writes on habits + lifestyle ⁺✧.*