Just write!

Stop “Saving” Your Ideas

The only thing you’re saving is your success

Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Months ago, in my early Medium days, I read a blog by… someone. I wish I could tell you who, but I didn’t save it.

All I know is that it was by one of my fellow writers here on theMUSINGS, and it was memorable enough to write about months later.

The main message was to stop saving your good writing ideas for a later time when you’ll “need” them.

This may sound weird, but I, for one, can relate. I’ve been guilty of saving ideas for when more people will read them, or perhaps for a day when I can’t think of one.

The whole reason I’m writing this is because I just realized I’m saving ideas! I was even about to save this one until I thought about it!

There’s a difference between writing a list of ideas and saving one you’re passionate about for the “perfect moment”.

But why not save your ideas?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a writer, right?

You’ll be able to come up with ideas that are just as good, even better, later. If you’re inspired at the moment, use that to your advantage! Don’t wait around until you have more followers, or subscribers, or your “big break” or whatever it is you’re waiting for to post your best writing.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Waiting won’t get you anywhere.

The only way you’ll grow is through sharing your best, worst, and most mediocre writing. Well, there’s always doing follow-for-follow and not posting anything at all, but that won’t build any kind of community.

People look for authenticity in writing. Don’t hold back — write your best ideas when you have them, and have faith in yourself that you’ll be able to come up with another one later.

Who knows? Maybe expanding your horizons will allow for the right idea to come at the perfect time, instead of lingering on one but waiting for the “right” moment.

Give yourself room to think and grow! Medium is a safe space filled with wholesome people, here to see who you are now and how you’ll become later.

Don’t hold yourself back from becoming a better writer, but instead embrace your ideas as they come and trust yourself to have more later.

Thank you for reading! I’m going to make more of an effort to not save my ideas anymore, so get prepared for a lot of blogs in the near future.

Also, if you have any idea of who I was talking about before, please let me know so I can tag them!




I’m a young writer here to improve my skills and support the community | Still trying to find my "writer's voice", but having fun along the way