Success Mantra

Take a Break NOW if you want Success! (I’m not joking)

Confused? Read ahead…

Anamika Sharma
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2022


How to get success
Image Source: Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

You might be wondering why I said this.

What is the relationship between Success and taking a break?

Don’t worry. I am here to explain everything to you!

We all want success. We follow the advice given by YouTubers and the schedules of multi-millionaires. But we don’t get the same results.


Because we don’t have our own system of carrying out things. Instead of walking in someone else’s footsteps, why don’t walk by ourselves?

We have got the same human body. What they did can be achieved by us through our OWN planning.

The reason why I asked you to take a break is to relax a bit. Don’t be overwhelmed by work and live a hectic life, full of anxiety.


Take a moment to calm down and relieve all the stress that you have.

A person with a healthy mindset works better than the one who carries tonnes of weight on his head.

Once you are relaxed, focus on your goals.

What do you need to accomplish them?

Find out the WHY of your life.

What is your current level of achievements?

Are you comparing your success with others?

Figure out the answers to all the questions and write them down on a piece of paper.

Then keep that paper with you and look at it regularly.

No one knows better than you about yourself and your ambitions.

I am a content writer. I see plenty of writers who are just writing without finding their purpose and that is reflected in their work. They are writing after researching but I guess, they forgot to do research about themselves.

Once you know why you are doing things, it becomes easier to pour your heart into it. Your thoughts become clear and you start planning and executing with full determination. Therefore, you get what you want.

Final words

Define your success. Find out your purpose and move forward.

You will definitely shine if you take a break regularly to do introspection and organization.

Thank you for reading.

Keep Writing :)



Anamika Sharma

I write about writing tips & self-improvement | Writer from Australia