Taking it Slow to Find Fulfilment and Live a Happier Life

2 min readMar 27, 2023


Pink climbing roses trail up a wooden trellis.
Photo credit: Duskfall Crew on Unsplash

“Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. You’re only here for a short visit. So don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.” — Walter Hagen

Slowing down is hard.

There are 1,000 things to do, and resting always comes last, if at all. Sometimes we even feel guilty for taking time for ourselves, or we can’t without thinking of the more productive things we could be doing.

And society doesn’t help. In this world, everything is fast-paced. Success, productivity, and tangible achievements are valued over a slower, more fulfilling lifestyle.

But it shouldn’t be this way.

Rushing through life means you’ll miss the little moments that make it worth living. And you’ll likely neglect taking care of the important things, such as yourself, your relationships, etc.

Before you know it, your life will be over. But will it have been a life well lived, filled with love, and every moment enjoyed to its fullest? Or will it have been filled with anxiety and stress over chasing success?

Besides, success can’t come without investing in yourself — but that is a story for another time.

Slowing down lets you recharge after a stressful day. It prevents burnout and anxiety. And it allows you to get more done, even though it seems unproductive.

So, what does slowing down look like?

Frankly, it could be anything from enjoying your morning coffee while watching the sunrise to taking a break from an urgent task that overwhelms you to the point of being unable to function.

It doesn’t matter what you do, but how you do it; be present, relish the moment, and dare to be “unproductive.”

What happens when you eat too quickly? You get a stomach ache. When you eat slower, you enjoy your food longer with the bonus of improved digestion.

Similarly, when you take life slower, you have more time for what makes you happy, find more fulfilment, and reduce stress.

Isn’t that a life worth living?




Writer. Student. Lover of life. | Writes on habits + lifestyle ⁺✧.*