What did I learn after programming for a year?

Aviyank Aryan
3 min readSep 9, 2022


Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Programming/coding, when people hear these words, most of the time they relate these things as a challenging field to choose. They assume that these things are for high-IQ people or computer nerds. Here is the reality. If a person is truly interested in this field or even wants to explore it, they can do so. This field contains a wealth of knowledge in itself. It has a lot to give if someone wants to learn.

It’s been almost a year since I started my programming journey. Not going to lie, it was some kind of roller-coaster ride. There are always a few challenges when it comes to trying something new. Programming has its own set of problems for beginners.

I started my journey with the basics of HTML and CSS. HTML (Hypertext markup language) is a language used to describe the structure of a web page. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style the webpage created using HTML. Learning about those languages was really insightful and fun. I even created ample fun projects to sharpen my skills.

The desire to build something of my own led me to choose Website development as my area of study. Learning about web dev needs programming language. Python is the most used and beginner-friendly programming language, so I didn’t have to think much and I taught myself python. Python, what an interesting language, it had a lot to give and I tried to grasp as much as I could.

The course provided a lot of opportunities to explore a variety of fields, including web development, machine learning, and object-oriented programming. My interest in web development led me to start my web development journey using Django, a beautiful Python framework.

Learning about Django taught me a lot. I learned about a database called SQLite. I even had to teach myself another programming language called JavaScript. I did a few projects. Learning through building projects is one of the best ways to teach yourself programming.

While it wasn’t easy, my mindset and interest in learning to program kept me going and made this journey much easier for me.

I would love to share the resources I used to learn, they are as follows →



Aviyank Aryan

Student, trying to share knowledges from different fields.