Why You MUST Have Self-Trust

And how to foster its growth

Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2023


Person in orange sneakers walking up stone steps.
Photo source: Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

I have realized that trust in yourself is of utmost importance when creating your ideal life.

Trust in yourself, your abilities, and your commitment is the first step toward achieving your dreams.

Without trust in yourself, you’ll compromise your dreams and procrastinate.

To better understand, imagine this scenario: you want to get in the habit of working out daily, and you decide you’ll start tomorrow before you leave for work.

But, in the morning, you wake up late and have no time to exercise. “It’s fine,” you tell yourself, “I’ll just make sure to do it later.”

When you get home, you can barely stay awake. So, you resolve to go to bed early — pushing exercise aside — so you’ll have enough energy to work out tomorrow morning.

But, by continuing to put off exercising, you are telling your brain that you don’t mean it when you say you’ll work out.

Even if it seems like putting it off one more time is harmless, it undermines your self-trust.

Eventually, your brain will expect you to fall through on your good intentions. And this leads to a depressing cycle of procrastination backed by excuses.

Trust me: I know from experience that this cycle is hard to break.

So how can you build your self-trust or regain it if lost?

Simply put, you must be gentle on yourself and start small.

Take baby steps toward a larger goal, and don’t rush. Rushing adds unneeded stress and produces sloppy, half-hearted results.

The important part is that you’re committed to completing small things daily to bring you closer to your goal. For now, how much you do doesn’t matter.

If your goal is to exercise, start with 10-minute sessions 1-2 times weekly. Not only are hour-long workouts seven days a week unrealistic, but they could also be dangerous for someone just starting their fitness journey.

Also, go easy on yourself. Stop beating yourself up when you miss a day of your new habit.

Progress isn’t linear, and you shouldn’t expect it to be.

Giving yourself breaks is a healthy way to prevent burnout and recharge. Don’t be ashamed of taking a day or two off because you’ll come back stronger.

The bottom line is to prioritize self-trust.

If you say you’re going to do something, do it! Building self-trust is the first step on the stairway to success.

If you take anything away from this post, let it be that you must follow through with your commitments to yourself at all costs, even if the progress is slower than you’d like.

Because when you have faith in yourself, anything is possible.

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Writer. Student. Lover of life. | Writes on habits + lifestyle ⁺✧.*