Why I Look At Her

Best of The Naked Convos
4 min readSep 30, 2016

We have an interesting topic today. Many women complain about how their boyfriends and even husbands in some cases seem to have eyes crazier than that of the ‘Crazy Eyes’ character from Orange Is The New Black. They just can’t stop looking, staring at other women and possibly embarrassing their significant others in the process. For me, I think it all comes down to understanding. That scene from Will Smith’s Enemy of State movie where he has a conversation about Janet Jackson with his wife comes to mind. I see no reason why y’all can’t can’t joke about it together but then again, I’ve been told I’m an alien. Let’s get into the post.


I will never stop looking at other women. Not ever. I don’t care if I’m married, in a relationship, or if the woman I’m looking at is married, in a relationship, and walking down the street with Her man. If she’s fine, I’m looking at Her, at least for a moment. Here’s why:

Because I’m a man. Because she’s a woman. Because I can see and I see Her and I promise, I won’t stare at Her, just a quick look at Her. Because she is wearing that dress, that’s fitting Her right or because she is wearing them jeans and they’re fitting Her better than the dress. Because Her walk in those jeans or in that dress is really what I’m looking at.

Because she is not my woman, but I’m wondering whose woman she is, until I finally see Her walking to Her man. It don’t matter. Her man knows like I know. She’s fine. Because Her man, was once like me, staring at Her, not knowing Her name. Shit. If he was me, he’d see Her like I see Her right now. Fine.

Because fine, Her kind of fine, is universal. I know this. Because I saw Her fine self walk by a group of dudes the other day who were standing opposite my side of the street. Because we, those guys and me, don’t do the same things, don’t like the same things, at least that’s what I thought until we saw Her, walking across the street, from my side to theirs and when she did we both stopped doing what we were doing. Because we were watching Her and even though we didn’t speak to Her, could not think of anything to say to Her, it didn’t matter. Because in our heads, we were saying fly stuff to Her and she was loving every minute of it and by the end of our game, the one we was spitting in our head to Her, we had Her number.

Because in reality, neither me nor them boys across the street, or any other man for that matter is going to say anything to Her. Because we can’t quite find a way to get the words in our head to come together out of our mouth, and speak to Her. Although, there are those men who do say something to Her. Try to compliment Her. Because “Damn baby, you look good!” and “If I wasn’t married, I’d marry you” just might be the words she’s been waiting to hear. As for a guy like me, I just look at Her and say nothing.

Because I might already have Her at home or Her on my arm. So when I look at the other Her, don’t get caught. Be subtle. Because Her on my arm might catch me and say, “Oh, you want to be with Her?” And I’ll tell Her, Baby, don’t be ridiculous. Then I will apologize because I got caught.

Because maybe it was a little disrespectful to look, but I don’t think it was that wrong. Because I think Her, the one on my arm and the one I just got caught looking at are both fine and I have to think: If the one I had on my arm was the one I looked at, would I want to trade Her for the one I looked at? Damn it, I say to myself. Because thinking that hard just confused me and I don’t have to think about Her, who is not mine. Just look at Her, and next time don’t get caught.

Because I will see Her again, some day, maybe tomorrow, and I will look at Her, but I won’t say anything, whether I’m single or in a relationship, with my woman or by myself. I will look at Her. Because I am a man and sometimes just looking at Her is the only compliment I want to give.

Post by Jozen


Today I want to know, is looking really wrong? Women keep tripping like they also don’t look, come on, go ahead and confess, y’all look too but just don’t get caught as often as we do right? Also, is there anything wrong if we both look together? I see something good, I poke you, we both admire, laugh about it and move on and she can also do the same? You know the drill, use the comment box to express you.

