Dying Light: The Following Review | A Must-Play Expansion

Brando Calrissian


If you like Dying Light in any capacity, this expansion is ESSENTIAL. It added upwards of 20 hours of gaming after the base game, and the new driving mechanics and locations were enough that it made it feel like a sequel. Some of the beefiest DLC I’ve ever played to date, hands down. This is what all expansions should strive to be like.

It’s wild how much driving adds to the Dying Light formula without breaking what makes it so compelling. In Harran, you’re running around a concrete jungle, going from point to point on the rooftops, killing zombies, and completing little objectives in between. The Following and its countryside and buggy are that same traversal system… just wrapped under some really fun paint. You go from point to point in the buggy, kill zombies, and complete little objectives in between. And it works so well. At times, I had more fun here than I did in the base game. How they got driving to feel so good in a first-person game about killing zombies, I have no idea. It’s a mystery for sure.

Some gripes — the map can be confusing. It’s big and it’s not all traversable, with a big mountain in the middle of it all. Driving around that was kind of a pain. Coming from the base game I was hoping for more unique weapon crafting, and while it does add in a few things, they weren’t viable in my endgame, and I just…



Brando Calrissian

I write about video games! I'm also working on writing a sci-fi novel, and creating an indie game. Thanks for all your support!