Love in the Time of COVID-19

Caring for Others in Uncertain Times

James Pothen
4 min readMar 20, 2020


Love Is Patient

Patient (noun): Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint

Love means not complaining or panicking. It means managing stress when it comes. Love does this not just for one’s own health, but to spread that calm to others.

Love Is Kind

Kind (adjective): Of a sympathetic or helpful nature

Love thinks about the needs of others. Love does not buy up supplies other people need. Love shares what it has. Love supports shops and restaurants in the neighborhood.

Love Does Not Envy

Envy (noun): painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage

Love does not fixate on advantages that others have. Love is content with what it has.

Love Does Not Boast

Boast (verb): to speak of or assert with excessive pride

Love does not go around bragging about how prepared it is. It does not gloat about how it saw this coming. It does not swagger when people are scared.

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Love Is Not Arrogant

Arrogant (adjective): exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner

Love does not act like it is the most important person in the room. It does not assume it has the right to the front of the line.

Love Is Not Rude

Rude (adjective): offensive in manner or action

Love does not use stress as an excuse to be a jerk. It is polite, courteous, and humble. Circumstances don’t matter.

Love Does Not Insist On Its Own Way

Insist (verb): to be emphatic, firm, or resolute about something intended, demanded, or required

Love lets public officials and leaders make decisions for the public safety. Love remembers that it must wash its hands and practice social distancing. Even when it is not convenient.

Love Is Not Irritable

Irritable (adjective): easily exasperated or excited

Love does not blow its top when a restaurant is closed. Or when plans change. It understands that everyone is doing the best they can.

Love Is Not Resentful

Resentful (adjective): full of a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury

Love doesn’t take things personally. It doesn’t hold onto the slights and hurts that come from being stuck at home with others. It lets things go.

Love Does Not Rejoice At Wrongdoing

Wrongdoing (noun): evil or improper behavior or action

Love doesn’t cheer on hoarding or looting or price gouging. It doesn’t encourage fake news or unnecessary risks.

Love Rejoices With The Truth

Truth (noun): the body of real things, events, and facts

Love is glad to see accurate statistics. Love fact checks stories before spreading them. Love keeps up to date with the CDC and other reputable sources.

Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash

Love Bears All Things

Bear (verb): to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way

Love accepts whatever it takes to make sure the community is safe and healthy.

Love Believes All Things

Believe (verb): to consider to be true or honest

Love trusts people and takes them at their word. It is not unduly suspicious.

Love Hopes All Things

Hope (verb): to cherish a desire with anticipation

Love knows that this too will pass. That even in these uncertain times good can result. That spring is coming. And that life will go on long after this plague is past.

Love Endures All Things

Endure (verb): to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding

Love practices self-care so it doesn’t buckle under pressure. It finds sources of refreshment so it can keep going. Love remembers this is a marathon, not a sprint.



James Pothen

Indian-American, Millennial, Depressive, Virginian, Homeschooler, and Evangelical Christian. New York City |