4 Proven Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
3 min readMay 16, 2021

Coming up with content ideas is hard. Sometimes, it will take you a whole day to come up with one good one or a whole year to never get one that goes viral.

Heck, it’s taking me 48hours of self-imposed shut-off in a hotel to be able to batch work my videos, blogs, and newsletter. Let me not add the financial implications of this.

Now, the sad part is that after all these investments and sleepless nights, I finally do share my content on social media and I come up with crickets. No likes, comments, or engagements.

That hurts as well as sucks.

Now, it may not necessarily mean that your content sucks (It could be though) but it could also mean that your strategy is terrible as mine was.

I had to change my strategy and now, my engagement has been great and gradually improving.

So here is what I began to do:

Keep it Short and Simple: For my Instagram, I kept my feed simple and pleasing to the eyes. I moved from randomly posting anyhow to actually planning my post. I keep my captions as simple and short as I can and leave the long contents to my blogs and articles.

Catchy Images: People are busy and there are loads and loads of content out there screaming for their attention as well as yours. You have to make them stop scrolling by catching their attention. So use images that will make people stop in their tracks.

Relevant hashtags: I used to struggle with this. I will use any hashtags that just seem to sync with what I am talking about. But when I understood that it’s not all about being relevant to your post but also being relevant to your audience. I became pickier with my hashtags. I don’t use any hashtags that have more than 300k followers so that my content doesn’t get lost in the flood.

Appropriate CTA: Call to Action is important. Some of us make the mistake of using ‘ Join me or Join my team’ every time we make a post. This repels our audience because nobody likes being sold to every time. It’s okay to sell once or twice a week but that should be it. Use the right CTA even the double-tap ones.

Since I began to implement these strategies, my growth has been consistent and my engagement improved. If you are going to use this, I suggest you give it 6 months and then analyze your engagement. As long as you are consistent, you will definitely see a big change.

PS: Struggling with creating content on social media, you can book a free 15 minutes call with me, and together we can map out a strategy that will work for you and your audience. Click here to book yours now.

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