Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
3 min readJun 16, 2020
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

As a Network Marketer, selling our products ensures that we get paid, we advance in ranks, win all-expense-paid trips, get that new car, get that house fund. It all comes down to selling a product or having people buy products from us.

I have come across many webinars and seminars where they will tell you you don’t have to sell. That all you have to do is get your prospects to change their brand of product to yours. Heck, I said so myself but think about it, for them to change their brand of products to yours means that they have to purchase the products. They have to buy.

And it’s easy to say that since everyone uses toothpaste to brush their teeth or bathes with soap, it should be easy to sell to them. And you have tried all the strategies your sponsor taught you. Nothing seems to work. So why are people not buying from you?

Let me share a few reasons:

LACK OF INTEREST: When you keep targeting your sales to people who are not interested in what you are selling, they will not buy. It’s like going to a group of Network Marketers who sell similar products that you do and try selling to them. They will not be interested in what you are selling. Find those you are interested in and have a need for your product and sell it to them. What I do is, I go to skincare groups Where I know they are interested in anything that will take care of their stretch marks, etc and I market my company’s body cream which is very good at fading out stretch marks. And because they are already interested in what I have to sell, what I need to do now is to create the desire for them to buy from me.

LACK OF DESIRE: Having them interested in buying your products doesn’t mean they have the desire to. Have you been to those shopping malls and you see a lovely gown and you know that it is lovely but you can’t envision yourself in them? And because you are not seeing yourself in the gown, the desire to buy the gown isn’t there. When people show interest in your product but they don’t see themselves using the product or getting the result they need from it, they won’t buy. You need to help them create a vision. A vision of them getting the result they desire. You can do this but sharing a story with them. A story they can relate with.

LACK OF BELIEF: So you got them interested, they have the desire to buy but they are still not buying. Hmm, could it be because they don’t believe you? I once made a post that you should look like the result you are promising. You cannot be selling a weight loss product and you are over-weight. You can’t be selling a better lifestyle and you are depressed. Make them believe first in you and then in your product. And to do this is simple: Use your products, let it work on your first, and then share your experience.

NOT WORTH THE PRICE: Now, this is one of the most common reasons people don’t buy from us. It is the most commonly used excuse, even when it is not the actual reason. The reason could be any of the above listed. If your offer is far more than the value they will get from the product, they won’t buy. So make sure your offer is equivalent to the benefit they will receive. Make your offer tempting by talking about the benefits, the value your customer will get from using your products.

So these are the top 4 reasons why you keep posting and sharing about your products and it’s benefits but no one is buying. Having been in the Network Marketing Industry for over 3 years and 2 years with my current company, I have tried loads of strategies and tips and most of them didn’t work. But the moment I realized that my post should not be about my products but about what my customer will get from my products, and about solving a need for my customer, my business expanded.

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